doc. Ing. Jiří Dvořák, Ph.D.

Teaching Activities

List of Subjectsupervisorlectures
Basics of Forestryxx
Forest Harvesting and Transportation Technologies I.xx
Forest Harvesting andTransportattion Technologies IIx 
Forest Harvesting (English version)xx
Forestry Production and Technologyxx
Multioperational Technologiesxx
Technical Basics of Forestryxx
Work Hygiene and Ergonomicsxx
Forestry Mechanisation x
Harvesting, Timber Transport and Wood Processing (English v.)xx
Logging and Wood Processing (English version)xx

Supervised courses

DLTX001Y Forest Harvesting and Wood Transport
DLTX003Y Forestry Mechanization
DLTX005Y Theory of Machine Construction
DLTX008Y Mechanization of Forestry Operations
DLTX009Y Forest Harvesting and Wood Transport
DLTX010Y Mechanization of Forestry Operations
DLTX012Y Theory of Machine Construction
DLZX002Y Risks in Technological Systems
DLZX026Y Risks in Technological Systems
LTL009E Harvesting, Timber Transport and Wood Processing
LTL010E Forest Harvesting
LTL016E Complex Biomass Utilization
LTL12E Forest Harvesting and Transportation Technologies I.
LTL703E Forest Harvesting
LTL708Z Multioperational Technologies
LTL709E Complex Biomass Utilization