Publikační činnost
- Zagata, L.; Hrabák, J. Regionalization of Sustainable Transitions in Agriculture: A Case Study of the Czech Organic Sector (1988-2015)
- Zagata, L.; Urban, J.; Uhnák, T. (2022). Revalidation and empirical application of the Cooking and Food Provisioning Action Scale (CAFPAS). Food Quality and Preference, 99(n/a), 104540.
- Zagata, L.; Uhnák, T.; Hrabák, J. (2021). Moderately radical? Stakeholders' perspectives on societal roles and transformative potential of organic agriculture. Ecological Economics, 190(n/a).
- Zagata, L.; Sutherland, L.A.; Hrabák, J.; Lošťák, M. (2020). Mobilising the past: Towards a conceptualisation of retro-innovation. Sociologia Ruralis, 60(3), 639-660.
- Hrabák, J; Zagata, L. (2020). Rozvoj a regionální diferenciace ekologického zemědělství v Česku. Geografie, 125(1), 69-92.
- Zagata, L.; Hrabák, J; Lošťák, M. (2020). Post-socialist transition as a driving force of the sustainable agriculture: A case study from the Czech Republic. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 44(2), 238-257.
- Zagata, L.; Lošťák, M.; Swain, N. (2019). Family farm succession of the first post-socialist generation in
the Czech Republic. Eastern European Countryside, 25(1), 9-35.
- Sutherland, L.A.; Peter, S; Zagata, L. (2015). Conceptualising multi-regime interactions: the role of the agriculture sector in renewable energy transitions. Research Policy, 44(8), 1543-1554.
- Zagata, L.; Sutherland, L.A. (2015). Deconstructing the 'young farmer problem in Europe': towards a research agenda. Journal of Rural Studies, 38(2), 39-51.
- Zagata, L. (2014). Towards Conscientious Food Consumption: Exploring the Values of Czech Organic Food Consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(3), 243-250.
- Zagata, L. (2012). 'We want farmers' markets!' Case study of emerging civic food networks in the Czech Republic. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 19(3), 347-364.
- Zagata, L., Lostak, M. (2012). In Goodness We Trust. The Role of Trust and Institutions Underpinning Trust in the Organic Food Market. Sociologia Ruralis, 52(4), 470-487.
- Zagata, L. (2012). Consumers’ beliefs and behavioural intentions towards organic food. Evidence from the Czech Republic. Appetite, 59(1), 81-89.
- Zagata, L. (2010). How organic farmers view their own practice: Results from the Czech Republic. Agriculture and Human Values, 27(3), 277-290.
- Zagata, L. (2009). The analysis of the current forms of organic chicken husbandry in the Czech Republic and their social consequences. Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska ekonomika, 55(6), 271-283.
- Zagata, L. (2007). Bio cash-cow? Context and content of Czech organic farming. Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska ekonomika, 53(1), 45-53.
- Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, Agriculture and Human Values, Appetite, British Food Journal, European Countryside, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Food Policy, Food Quality and Preference, Geoforum, Global Food Security, Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Journal of Land Use Science, Journal of Rural Studies, Land Use Policy, Organic Agriculture, Sociologia Ruralis.