Ing. Petra Chaloupková, Ph.D., dr. h. c.
Ing. Petra Chaloupková, Ph.D.



2010 – 2014      
Erasmus Mundus EURASIA 2 (Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Nr. 182724-EM-1-2010-1-CZ-ERAMUNDUS-EMA21-L12)
Position: Project coordinator
Coordination: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
Donor: EACEA

2008 – 2012      
Erasmus Mundus EURASIA, External Cooperation Window (Nr. 2008-1976)
Position: Contact person of CULS
Coordination: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Austria
Donor: EACEA
2009 – 2010    
Project: Review according to the System priorities of CGIAR Projects funded by the EC in 2008 to be carried out in the second half 2009
Position: Expert for the scientific management
Coordination: AGRINATURA
Donor: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

2008 – 2010    
Development project: Support of fresh water fish farming in mountain areas (Northern   Vietnam)
Position: Project manager
Coordination: Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, CULS
Donor: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

2008 – 11/2009    
Development project: Capacity building in the area of fish and poultry production (Bié province, Angola)
Position: Project manager
Coordination: Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, CULS
Donor: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

2006 – 11/2009    
Development project: Consultancy in fish and poultry production (Bié province, Angola)
Position: Project manager
Coordination: Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, CULS
Donor: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

2006 – 2007    
Development project: Support to curricula development at the State Agrarian University of Moldova and harmonization its education system with EU standards
Position: Short-term expert
Coordination: Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, CULS
Donor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

2006 – 2007    
Development project: Monitoring of the EC Support to Strategic Agricultural Research through the CGIAR Centres for Food Insecure Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and West Asia/North Africa Regions, No. 2006/128-368
Position: Expert for the scientific management
Coordination: NATURA
Donor: European Commission

2005 – 2006     
Project: Monitoring of the EC Support to Strategic Agricultural Research through the CGIAR Centres for Food Insecure Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and West Asia/North Africa Regions, No.2005/105-976
Position: Expert for the scientific management
Coordination: NATURA
Donor: European Commission

2003 – 2004    
Development project: Establishment of the Centre of Agricultural Education in Bié province (Angola)
Position: Long-term expert
Realization: Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, CULS
Donor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

Consultancy regarding locally based fish and poultry production (Bié Province, Angola)

Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR, 2006-2009

Vietnam - Podpora chovu sladkovodních ryb

Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR, 2008-2010

Capacity Building in the Area of Fish and Poultry Production

Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR, 2008-2009

Kambodža - Zvyšování kvality vysokého zemědělského školství v Kambodži

Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČR, 2012-2014

Support of International Platform Merging Labour and Education

Evropská komise, 2016-2018

SIMPLE-Support of International Platform Merging Labour and Education

Evropská komise, 2016-2019

Zlepšení úrovně vědy a výzkumu na Royal University of Agriculture

Česká rozvojová agentura, 2017-2018

Sustainable Value Chains: From Social Collective Actions of Producers to Responsible Consumers

GA FTZ, 2021-2022

Sustainable Value Chains: From Social Collective Actions of Producers to Responsible Consumers

GA FTZ, 2022-2023

Rozvoj studijních programů a výzkumných aktivit v oblasti udržitelného zemědělství, rybářství a akvakulturní produkce v Kambodži

Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČR, 2023-2023

From farmers to consumers: sustainable production through collective actions

GA FTZ, 2023-2024