doc. akad. soch. Ales Hnizdil
Katedra zahradní a krajinné architektury



Aleš Hnízdil






Personal Details:


Born 6.9.1954 in Liberec ,Czech Republic


Adress Hlavní 69

25206 Měchenice

Praha Západ

Tel./fax / + 42 – 2 57770053

Mobile phone : 603397372

E-mail :



web : http//www.aleshnizdil.cz








Education/ Artist training:


1969 –73 Sculpture study at the Secondary School of Sculpture in


1973 – 79 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague - prof. Jiří Bradáček

1983 – 84 GHK Hochschule fur bildende Kunst ,Kassel , BRD

prof.W. Kausch and J.Arnold


Pedagogic experience:


1995 – 98 Pedagogue at the faculty of architecture of the


Technical University in Liberec

1999 – 02 Pedagogue at the faculty of architecture of the

Technical University in Prague

2007 - 08 Pedagogue at the faculty of architecture of the

Technical University in Prague

2010 Pedagogue at the fakulty of landscape architecture

of the FAPPZ – CZU in Prague

Collections and current gallery representations:


1989 „Inner Space“ Vyšné Ružbachy – Slovakia

  1. Inner Gate“- property of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix

of the Netherlands in Huis ten Bosch

1993 „Inner and Outer Human Space“- the Nieuw Hoog-hulen

te Eelde Psychiatric Hospital-Groningen –Holland

1997 Museum Bochum, BRD

  1. Continuity of Human Existence“,Psychiatric Hospital

Centrum 45 – Oegstgest , Holland

  1. Rabas Gallery, Rakovník ,Czech Republic

  1. Aspects of Consciousness – zámek Třebešice – gallery Futura – CZ


  1. Touch of Aspects of Consciousness - property of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, princess Laurentien van Oranje Nassau, Edy de Wilde, Eric Boss – Galerie Nouvelles Images, PhDr. Peter Spielmann, monk from Ladak Shadub Phande, Alberto di Stefano – Gallery Futura

  2. Touch of Aspects of Consciousness - property of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

  3. Aspects – Museum Kampa – Pratur - CZ

2010 Silence in Space I. II. Gallery Klatovy Klenová - CZ


Private collections in Holland ,France,Germany,Italy,

Switzerland,the USA,Curacao /Dutch Antilles/



Solo exhibitions:


  1. Reznicka Gallery ,Prague ,CZ

  2. Art Forum ,Studio Kausch,Kassel, BRD

1984 VHS Kunststation, Kleinsassen , BRD

  1. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the

Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague

  1. E.F.Burian Theatre,Prague

  1. Youth Gallery ,Prague

Rathaus ,Heeze ,Holland

Markiezenhof – Museum Bergen op Zoom, Holland

  1. Presentation of the Nanky de Vreeze Gallery at the

Kunstrai – Amsterdam , Holland

Liberec – Regional Gallery , CZ

  1. Nanky de Vreeze Gallery, Amsterdam ,Holland

1995 Czech Museum of Fine Arts , Prague

1996 Cultural House , Dobříš ,CZ

Klatovy /Klenová Gallery, CZ

X Centrum, Pilsen ,CZ

Munsterlandmuseum Burg Vischering,Ludinghausen,


Čapek Gallery, Prague CZ

  1. Interweaving of Consciousness in Time

Belveder of Prague Castle – Prague ,CZ


2005 – 2006 three dimensional drawing – Trmalova vila – Prague - CZ