Seznam nejvýzamějších publikací dle odborného zaměření:
Biologie plevelů
Jursík M., Soukup J., Venclová V., Holec J. (2003) Seed dormancy and germination of Shaggy soldier (Galinsoga ciliata Blake.) and Common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album l.), Plant Soil and Environment, 49, 511-518.
Jursík M., Holec J., Soukup J., Venclová V. (2008) Competition relationships between sugar beet and weeds in dependence on time of weed control, Plant Soil and Environment, 54, 108-116.
Jursík M., Holec J., Soukup J., Venclová V. (2010) Seasonal emergence of selected summer annual weed species in dependence on soil temperature, Plant Soil and Environment, 56, 444-450.
Soukup J., Jursík M., Hamouz P., Holec J., Krupka J. (2004) Influence of soil pH, rainfall, dosage, and application timing of herbicide Merlin 750 WG (isoxaflutole) on phytotoxicity level in maize (Zea mays L.), Plant Soil and Environment, 50, 90-96.
Jursík M., Soukup J., Venclová V., Holec J. (2011) POST Herbicide Combinations for Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) Control in Sugarbeet, Weed Technology, 25, 14-18.
Jursík M., Andr J., Holec J., Soukup J. (2011) Efficacy and selectivity of post-emergent application of flumioxazin and oxyfluorfen in sunflower, Plant Soil and Environment, 57, 532-539.
Jursík M., Hamouzová K., Andr J., Soukup J. (2013) Effect of Different adjuvants on phytotoxicity of flumioxazin to sunflower in different growth stages, Romanian Agricultural Research, 30, 365-372.
Jursík M., Kočárek M., Hamuzová K., Soukup J., Venclová V. (2013) Effect of precipitation on the dissipation, efficacy and selectivity of thee chloracetamide herbicides in sunflower, Plant Soil and Environment, 59, 175-182.
Jursík M., Soukup J., Holec J., Andr J., Hamouzová K. (2015) Efficacy and selectivity of pre-emergent sunflower herbicides under different soil moisture conditions, Plant Protection Science, 51, 214-222.
Jursík M., Kolářová M., Soukup J., Žďárková V. (2016) Effects of adjuvants and carriers on propoxycarbazone and pyroxsulam efficacy on Bromus sterilis in winter wheat, Plant Soil and Environmental, 62, 447-452.
Jursík M., Hamouzová K., Soukup J., Šuk J. (2016) Effect of nonwoven fabric cover on the efficacy and selectivity of pendimethalin in lettuce, Scientia Horticulturae, 200, 7-12.
Jursík M., Kováčová J., Kočárek M., Hamouzová K., Soukup J. (2017) Effect of non-woven fabric covering on the residual activity of pendimethalin in lettuce and soil, Pest Management Science, 73, 1024-1030.
Kočárek M., Kodešová R., Sharipov U., Jursík M. (2018) Effect of adjuvant on pendimethalin and dimethenamid-P behaviour in soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 354,266-274.
Jursík M., Kočárek M., Suchanová M., Kolářová M., Šuk J. (2019) Effect of irrigation and adjuvant on residual activity of pendimethalin and metazachlor in kohlrabi and soil, Plant Soil and Environment, 65, 387-394.
Jursík M., Šuk J., Kolářová M., Soukup J. (2019) Effect of irrigation and soil adjuvant on the efficacy and selectivity of pendimethalin and metazachlor in kohlrabi, Scientia Horticulturae, 246, 871-878.
Jursík M., Kočárek M., Kolářová M., Tichý L. (2020) Effect of different soil and weather conditions on efficacy, selectivity and dissipation of herbicides in sunflower, Plant Soil and Environment, 66, 468-476.
Sharipov U., Kočárek M., Jursík M., Nikodem M., Borůvka L. (2021) Adsorption and degradation behaviour of six herbicides in different agricultural soils, Environmental Earth Sciences, 80, 402.
HT technologie
Soukup J., Jursík M., Venclová V., Hamouz P. (2003) Sensitivity of selected weed species to glufosinate-NH4 in genetic modified oil-seed rape, Herbologija, 4, 45-50.
Soukup J., Holec J., Jursík M., Hamouzová K. (2011) Environmental and agronomic monitoring of adverse effects due to cultivation of genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops, Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 6, 125-130.
Jursík M., Hamouzová K., Soukup J., Andr J., Holec J. (2014) Differences in sensitivity of F1 and F2 generations of herbicide tolerant sunflower volunteers to selected acetolactate synthase inhibiting herbicides, Plant Soil and Environment, 60, 446-451.
Jursík M., Fendrychová V., Kolářová M., Andr J., Soukup J. (2017) Optimising Clearfield and ExpressSun sunflower technologies for Central Europe conditions, Plant Protection Science, 53, 265-272.
Svobodová Z., Skoková Habuštová O., Holec J., Holec M., Boháč J., Jursík M., Soukup J., Sehnal F. (2018) Split application of glyphosate in herbicide-tolerant maize provides efficient weed control and favours beneficial epigenic arthropods, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 251, 171-179.
Jursík M., Kolářová M., Soukup J. (2019) Competition, reproduction ability, and control possibilities of conventional and Clearfield volunteer oilseed rape in winter wheat, Crop Protection, 122, 30-34.
Jursík M., Soukup J., Kolářová M. (2020) Sugar beet varieties tolerant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides: A novel tool in weed management, Crop Protection, 137, 105294.
Jursík M., Holec J., Hamouz P., Soukup J. (2018) Biologie a regulace plevelů, Kurent, p. 353, ISBN 978-80-87111-71-0
Málek B., Andr J., Jursík M., Škarpa P., Říha K., Kazda J., Richter R. (2013) Slunečnice technologie pěstování, Kurent, p. 114, ISBN978-80-87111-41-3
Brant V., Fuksa P., Hakl J., Jursík M., Kroulík M., Prokinová E., Škeříková, Šmöger J., Zábranský P. (2020) Efektivní hospodaření s vodou a eliminace degradace půdy, Agrární komora české republiky, p. 236, ISBN 978-80-88351-13-9
Brant V., Rychlá A., Holec J., Hamouz P., Jursík M., Fuksa P., Kazda J., Procházka, P., Tyšer L., Zábranský P., Kroulík M., Vrbovský V., Kunte J. (2022) Brukvovité meziplodiny, Agrární komora České republiky, p. 176, ISBN 978-80-88351-23-8.
Kocourek F., Douda O., Harašta P., Hamouz P., Holec J., Horská T., Hovorka T., Jursík M., Kazda J., Kolářová M., Koudela M., Krejzar V., Kumar J., Mazáková J., Novotný D., Pánková I., Pluhař I., Prášil J., Psota V., Pultar R., Rod J., Růžička T., Ryšánek P., Seidenglanz M., Slavíková L., Stará J., Víchová J. (2022) Integrovaná ochrana zeleniny. Profi Press, p. 416, ISBN 978-80-88306-24-5.
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