Articles in professional periodicals
Kara, R. S., Pazarlar, S., Okur, B., Almaz, C., Okur, N., Matula, S., & Miháliková, M. (2024). Texture and Contamination-Level Dependent Effects of Calcium-Rich Deinking Paper Sludge Biochar on Soil Cd Availability, Enzymatic Activity, and Plant Stress Mitigation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 235(7), 454.
Abebrese, D. K., Kara, R. S., Báťková, K., Biney, J. K. M., & Matula, S. (2024). Assessing the effects of different tillage systems on selected physical and chemical properties of a silty clay loam soil under different field conditions in the Czech Republic. Soil Use and Management, 40(1), e13007.
Almaz, C., Kara, R. S., Miháliková, M., & Matula, S. (2023). Implications of surfactant application on soil hydrology, macronutrients, and organic carbon fractions: An integrative field study. Soil and Water Research.
Abebrese, D. K., Biney, J. K. M., Kara, R. S., Báťková, K., Houška, J., Matula, S., ... & Shawula, T. A. (2024). Estimating the spatial distribution of soil volumetric water content in an agricultural field employing remote sensing and other auxiliary data under different tillage management practices. Soil Use and Management, 40(1), e12981.
Çerçioğlu, M., Kara, R. S., & Bülent, O. (2017). A Preliminary Study on Investigation of Greenhouse Soils and Irrigation Water Properties of Kütahya-Simav Region – in Turkish. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54(1), 61-70. Pre Investigation on Research of Greenhouse Soil and Irrigation Water Characteristics of KutahyaSimav Region. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University, 2017, 54.1: 61-70.
Çerçioğlu, M., Yağmur, B., Kara, R. S., & Bulent, O. (2017). 3) The Effect of Agro-Industrial Compost and Farmyard Manure on Some Chemical Properties of Soil and Yield of Grown Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) – in Turkish. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University, 54(1), 71-77.
Okur, N., KAYIKÇIOĞLU, H. H., OKUR, İ. B., Yağmur, B., SPONZA, D. T., & Kara, R. S. (2020). A study of olive mill wastewaters obtained from different treatment processes effects onchemical and microbial properties of a Typic Xerofluvent soil and wheat yield. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 44(2), 140-155.
Pazarlar, S., Cetinkaya, N., Bor, M., & Kara, R. S. (2020). N-acyl homoserine lactone-mediated modulation of plant growth and defense against Pseudoperonospora cubensis in cucumber. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(20), 6638-6654.
Batkova, K., Matula, S., Hrúzová, E., Miháliková, M., Kara, R. S., & Almaz, C. (2022). A comparison of measured and estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity of various soils in the Czech Republic. Plant, Soil and Environment, 68(7), 338-346.
Báťková, K., Matula, S., Miháliková, M., Hrúzová, E., Abebrese, D. K., Kara, R. S., & Almaz, C. (2022). Prediction of saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks of agricultural soil using pedotransfer functions. Soil and Water Research.
Almaz, C., Miháliková, M., Báťková, K., Vopravil, J., Matula, S., Khel, T., & Kara, R. S. (2023). Simple and Cost-Effective Method for Reliable Indirect Determination of Field Capacity. Hydrology, 10(10), 202.
Articles in indexed proceedings
Yilğan, F., Miháliková, M., Vopravil, J., Matula, S., & Kara, R. S. (2022, July). Analysis of Soil Moisture and Temperature Regime by Using Remote Sensing in South Bohemia, Czech Republic. In 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Other works published in proceedings and abstract books
Kara, R.S., Ongun, A.R., Okur, B. (2014). Effect of zeolite application on available potassium capacity of sandy soils and corn plant, V International Scientific Symposium in the area of agriculture for PhD students, students and young scientists Bydgoszcz – Inowrocław, Poland.
Kara, R.S., Okur, B., Okur, N. (2017). Influences of Individual and Combined Applications of Treated Olive Mill Wastewater and Olive Bagasse Biochar on Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrient Content. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies, 15-17 May 2017, Cappadocia, Turkey.
Ongun A.R., Tepecik M., Kara R.S. (2018). Soil Characteristics of Oriental Tobacco Cultivation Fields in Eşme Province, Uşak (Turkey). International Agricultural Science Congress, Van, Turkey, 9 - 12 May 201844
Almaz, C., Kara, R.S., Miháliková, M., Matula, S., Duffková. R., Fučík, P. & Revuelta, M.S. (2019). An Influence of the H2Flo Wetting Agent to the Soil Hydrophysical and Chemical Properties in the Drip Irrigated Field. 26th International Poster Day Proceedings, Institute of Hydrology SAS.
Almaz, C., Kara, R.S., Miháliková, M., Matula, S., Duffková. R., Fučík, P. & Revuelta, M.S. (2019). Observation of the Soil Beahaviour with H2FLO Wetting Agent Application. 6th Congress on Soil and Water Resources with International Participation, Izmir – Menemen, 12. – 14. 11. 2019 89139-44-6)
Kara, R.S., Dzissah, D.D., (externí), Mihalíková, M, Almaz, C., Matula, S., (2021). Compost and commercial biochar applications may have contrary influences on the low-cost FDR moisture sensor measurements of top-soils: A laboratory experiment. In International Soil Science Symposium on Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Book of proceedings of 6th International Scientific Meeting. 18-19th December 2021, Samsun, Turkey, online.
Báťková, K., Matula, S., Mihalíková, M, Hruzova E., Kara, R.S., Almaz, C. (2021). Functional evaluation of available up to date pedotransfer functions for estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivity of selected localities in the Czech Republic; In International Soil Science Symposium on Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Book of proceedings of 6th International Scientific Meeting. 18-19th December 2021, Samsun, Turkey, online.
Pazarlar, S., Bor, M., Çetinkaya, N., Kara, R.S. (2021). N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs): Effector Molecules that Enhance Defense and Modulate Plant Growth in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in 8th Plant Protection Congress with International Participation, August 24-28, 2021, Online.
Uysal, P., Kara, R.S., Okur, B., Yağmur, B. (2021). Soil salinization and biochar applications in 3rd International Conference On Food, Agriculture And Veterinary, Ege University, Izmir, TURKEY.
Okur, B., Kara, R.S. (2021). The effects of sewage sludge and horse manure compost applications on some soil properties (in Turkish, Arıtma çamuru ve at gübresi kompostu uygulamalarının toprağın bazı özellikleri üzerine etkileri") International Turkic World Congress On Science And Engineering (Turk-Cose 2022) Proceedings, Nigde-Turkey.
Almaz, C., Kara, R.S., Miháliková, M., Matula, S., Duffková. R., Fučík, P. (2022). Influence of surfactant-based wetting agent applications on the content and distribution of extractable macronutrients and labile organic carbon fractions of a drip-irrigated sandy soil. In International Soil Science Symposium on Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 8th International Scientific Meeting. 18-19th December 2021, Samsun, Turkey, online.
Báťková, K., Matula, S., Mihalíková, M, Truneh L.A., Kara, R.S., Almaz, C., Abebrese, K.D. (2022). Soil resistance to vertical penetration and saturated hydraulic conductivity of fine-textured agricultural soil under controlled drainage. In International Soil Science Symposium on Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 8th International Scientific Meeting. 2-3 December 2022, Samsun, Turkey, online.
Yamamoto, S., Mıhálıková, M., Almaz, C., Kara, R.S., Báťková, B., Dvořák, P., Král, M. (2022). Effect of compost surface application without incorporation on soil temperature, air temperature above the soil surface and water content. In International Soil Science Symposium on Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 8th International Scientific Meeting. 2-3 December 2022, Samsun, Turkey, online.
Kara, R.S., Almaz, C., Miháliková, M., Matula, S., Duffková. R., Fučík, P. (2022). Changes in Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Extractable Macronutrient Contents and Organic Carbon Fractions of A Drip Irrigated Sandy Soil Under Wetting Agent Application 29. Posterový deň s medzinárodnou účasťou a Deň otvorených dverí na ÚH SAV "Transport vody, chemikálií a energie v systéme poda/rastlina/atmosféra", Ústav hydrológie SAV, Bratislava, SK