Mgr. Martina Komárková, Ph.D.
Mgr. Martina Komárková, Ph.D.


Ceacero, F., Komárková, M., García, A. J., & Gallego, L. (2018). Different maternal investment strategies for male and female calves in a polygynous mammal. Current Zoology 1-9.

Ceacero, F., García, A. J., Landete-Castillejos, T., Komárková, M., Hidalgo, F., Serrano, M. P., & Gallego, L. (2016). The Many Axes of Deer Lactation. Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia, 21(3-4), 123-129.

Dubcová, J., Bartošová, J., & Komárková, M. (2015). Effects of prompt versus stepwise relocation to a novel environment on foals' responses to weaning in domestic horses (Equus caballus). Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 4, 346–352.

Ceacero, F., Pluháček, J., Komárková, M., & Zábranský, M. (2015). Pre-orbital gland opening during aggressive interactions in rusa deer (Rusa timorensis). Behavioural processes, 111, 51-54.

Komárková, M., Bartošová, J., & Dubcová, J. (2014). Age and group residence but not maternal dominance affect dominance rank in young domestic horses. Journal of animal science, 92(11), 5285-5292.

Ceacero, F., Landete-Castillejos, T., Bartošová, J., García, A. J., Bartoš, L., Komárková, M., Gallego, L. (2014). Habituating to handling: Factors affecting preorbital gland opening in red deer calves. Journal of Animal Science. doi: 10.2527/jas.2014-7716

Komárková, M., & Bartošová, J., (2013). Lateralized suckling in domestic horses (Equus caballus). Animal Cognition. 16 (3), 343-349.

Bartošová, J., Komárková, M., Dubcová, J., Bartoš, L., Pluháček, J., (2011). Concurrent lactation and pregnancy: pregnant domestic horse mares do not increase mother-offspring conflict during intensive lactation. Plos one. 6(8), e22068

Komárková, M., Bartošová, J., Dubcová, J., (2011). Effect of mares’ dominance rank on suckling behaviour in the loose housed domestic horses. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 133, 54– 59.

Článek v odborném periodiku

**ŠANDLOVÁ, K. – KOMÁRKOVÁ, M. – CEACERO HERRADOR, F. Daddy, daddy cool: stallion-foal relationships in a socially-natural herd of Exmoor ponies. Aggressive Behavior, 2020, roč. 23, č. 4, s. 781-793. ISSN: 0096-140X.

BERNÁTKOVÁ, A. – **OYUNSAIKHAN, G. – **ŠIMEK, J. – KOMÁRKOVÁ, M. – **BOBEK, M. – CEACERO HERRADOR, F. Influence of weather on the behaviour of reintroduced Przewalski’s horses in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area (Mongolia): implications for conservation. ..., 2022, roč. 7, č. , s. 1-17. ISSN: N.

ESATTORE, B. – **VILLAGRÁN, M. – **PLUHÁČEK, J. – KOMÁRKOVÁ, M. – **DUŠEK, A. – KOTRBA, R. – BARTOŠOVÁ, J. – BARTOŠ, L. To beat or not to beat: Behavioral plasticity during the antler growth period affects cortisol but not testosterone concentrations in red deer (Cervus elaphus) males. GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, 2020, roč. 297, č. October, s. 0-0. ISSN: 0016-6480.

Ostatní výsledky

BERNÁTKOVÁ, A. – CEACERO HERRADOR, F. – **OYUNSAIKHAN, G. – **ŠIMEK, J. – **BOBEK, M. – KOMÁRKOVÁ, M.Influence of Weather on the Behaviour of Reintroduced Przewalski´s Horses: Implications for Conservation.. 2021, .