VCA4D Study on Freshwater Aquaculture in Georgia (2021, economic expert)
VCA4D realizes value chains analyses from the economic, social and environmental point of view, to produce evidence-based knowledge about the growth, inclusiveness and sustainability of agricultural and fisheries value chains.
Georgia has a high availability of freshwaters, which represent an opportunity for the aquaculture sector, offering options for diversification and local value chain development, in particular for smallholder farmers and cooperatives.
VCA4D is an EU funded project implemented by Agrinatura, a grouping of European Universities and Research centres specialised in agricultural research for development with more than 35 members across Europe.
More information available here:
Teaching Sustainability in Higher Education in the Field of Economics and Management (acronym: SUSTA)

The main goal of the project is to develop an education program in the field of sustainable development and sustainable consumption and to increase the knowledge, awareness, and involvement of business students in environmental issues.
The project is carried out in cooperation with five partner universities: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic); Miguel Hernandez University of Elche (Spain); Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia); University of Szeged (Hungary); University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Duration: December 31, 2020, and will end on December 30, 2022.
Project web:,c13/projects,c15039/erasmus-strategic-partnership,c14814/

Viability of small farms managed by young farmers under new "farm-to-fork" strategy
European Union / Erasmus+
Central Europan Network for Sustainable and Innovative Economy
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange