doc. Ing. Zbyněk Polesný, Ph.D.

INTERNSHIP: MSc thesis research in Indonesia

INTERNSHIP: MSc thesis research in Indonesia


Dear students,

Agricultural Botany and Ethnoecology Group is looking for students interested in conducting their MSc thesis research in frame of the international development project in Indonesia.

Basic requirements:

  • background in tropical plant production
  • optimal length of stay in Indonesia - 6 months
  • interest in research and development
  • creative thinking and ability to work independently
  • fluent English language
  • willingness to live and work in Muslim country and to learn Bahasa Indonesia language
  • paid internship available

In case of interest please contact doc. Ing. Zbyněk Polesný, Ph.D. (polesny@ftz.czu.cz) for further details.