Theses under my leadership:
Bachelor theses:
Význam koní a oslů v rozvojových zemích tropů (2016)
Vliv socializace na agresivní chování ryb (2016)
Divocí velbloudi Austrálie a jejich význam pro vědu (2016)
Vliv krmení na biorytmy kopytníků chovaných v zoologických zahradách (2015)
Effect of feeding on biorhythms of ungulates kept in zoological gardens (2014)
Social behaviour of African ungulates and their interspecific interactions (2014)
Developmental disorders in tadpoles and frogs reared in captivity (2014)
Adaptations of camels for life in extreme environments (2014)
Laminitis in horses and the possibilities of its treatment (2013)
Viral and bacterial diseases of camels (2013)
Parasites of camels (2013)
Modern technologies in breeding and reproduction of camels (2012)
Body language in even-toed ungulates (2012)
Master theses:
Social behaviour of captive American bison (2017)
Effect of social isolation on aggressive behaviour of fish (2017)
Effects of magnetic field and solar radiation on body axis alignment in water buffalo (2017)
Noninvasive Fecal Monitoring of Hormones in Female Cheetahs (2016)
Reproduction and pregnancy diagnosis in donkeys (2015)
Pregnancy diagnosis from urine in even-toed ungulates (2014)
Ph.D. theses (consultant):
Non-invasive pregnancy diagnosis in even-toed ungulates: The usage of urine examination by seed germination, Cuboni reaction and barium chloride test and saliva crystallization (Iva Skálová, supervisor: prof. MVDr. Eva Baranyiová, CSc.)
Master theses (consultant):
Ethology of ungulates kept in mixed species exhibits. (dr.Koláčková)
Saliva Crystallization in Cattle. (dr.Koláčková)