Ing. Jana Mazáková, Ph.D.


Project co-worker - Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

TH04030242 - Innovation of plant protection within sugar beet production and storing (2019-2022, TA0/TH)

TA04021117 - Research of integrated methods of Sugar Beet Nematode management (2014-2017, TA0/TA)

Project co-worker - National Agency for Agriculture Research of the Ministry of Agriculture

QK1710397 - Characterization of compatibility of relations between agents causing blackleg and oilseed rape varieties as a basis for increasing of growing rentability of this crop in the Czech Republic (2017-2021, MZe/QK)

QK1710377 - The protection of strawberry plants against plant pathogen of Phytophthora (2017-2021, MZe/QK)

QJ1510353 - Increasing of the effectiveness of apple trees protection against apple scab (2015-2018, MZe/QJ)

QJ1310227 - New findings from biology, epidemiology and resistance of winter rape pathogens to pesticides in the Czech Republic as a base of their integrated management (2013-2017, MZE/QJ)

QJ1310226 - Development of the new plant protection methods of cereals and vegetables against to major pathogens and pests by using botanical pesticides for use in organic and integrated agriculture (2013-2017, MZE/QJ)

QJ1210305 - Integrated late blight management in new agro-environmental conditions using prediction of disease occurrence and based on new findings about pathogen population changes and tuber decay processes (2012-2016, MZE/QJ)

QH81127 - Adaptation, verification and establishment of a phoma stem rot and stem cancer (Leptosphaeria maculans) prognosis system based on konidia concentration in air and weather course in Czech Republic (2008-2012, MZE/QH)

QH81163 - Development of biological methods of plant protection against phytoparasitic nematodes usable in integrated systems of crop production (2008-2012, MZE/QH)

QG50055 - Potato late blight control according to varietal susceptibility to disease based on new knowledge of pathogen epidemiology with regard to environment, economical aspects of control and production quality. (2005-2009, MZE/QG)

QG50087 - Development and testing of alternative methods aimed at protection of the vegetable from phytophagous nematodes in the terms of the Czech Republic (2005-2008, MZE/QG)

QF4156 - Development of diagnostic methods for quarantine nematodes from genera Aphelenchoides, Bursaphelenchus, Xiphinema and Radopholus. (2004-2007, MZE/QF)

QF4071 - Integrated method of detection and monitoring of pest contamination of stored-grain and cereal products by physical, chemical, immunochemical and molecular techniques. (2004-2007, MZE/QF)

QD0146 - Innovation of ecologically and economically acceptable methods of late blight control in various growing systems and pathogen population monitoring. (2000-2004, MZE/QD)

Project investigator - University Development Fund of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

"Determination of Phytophthora infestaning mating types and their resistance to phenylamides." (2005)

"Study of populations of late blight causal agent in the Czech Republic." (2004)

Project investigator - Grant Agency of Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources CULS

"Detection and detemination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Verticillium sp. in oilseed rape tissue using molecular biological methods." (2008)

"Differentiation of L. maculans a L. biglobosa, causal agents of phoma stem canker using molecular biological methods." (2007)

"Differentiation of Phytophthora infestans mating types using biological test." (2006)