prof. Ing. Jiří Patoka, Ph.D., DiS.
Moje osobní stránky


Total publications (WoS): 96, Sum of times cited: 1990, h-index: 26

Oficialdegui, F.J., Bláha, M., Prati, S., Lipták, B., Weiperth, A., Bányai, Z.M., Maciaszek, R., Patoka, J., Scheers, K., Lemmers, P., Petutschnig, J., Petrtýl, M., Petrusek, A., Kouba, A. (2025) Contrasting patterns of genetic variability in pet-traded red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii and its feral populations. Freshwater Biology, 70: e70008. PDF

Novák, J., Hohl, D., Stuchlík, M., Hofmann, J., Tlusty, M.F., Magalhães, A.L.B., Maceda-Veiga, A., Akmal, S.G., Yue, G.H., Kumkar, P., Marr, S.M., Sara, J.R., Stern, N., Rhyne, A.L., Furse, J.M., Kalous, L., Patoka, J. (2025) Revisiting the history of ornamental aquaculture in Europe to understand the benefits and drawbacks of freshwater fish imports. Reviews in Aquaculture, 17: e13008. PDF

Patoka, J., Akmal, S.G.A., Bláha, M., Kouba, A. (2025) Cherax pulverulentus, a new freshwater crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) from Southwest Papua Province, Indonesia. Zootaxa, 5566: 522-534. PDF

Kawai, T., Bláha, M., Patoka, J. (2024) The morphology and taxonomic status of Astacus colchicus (Decapoda: Astacidae) from Georgia, with a key to the genera of western palaearctic Astacidae. Freshwater Crayfish, 29: 83-89. PDF

Magalhães, A.L.B., Vitule, J.R.S., Patoka, J., Daga. V., Pelicice, F., Bezerra L. A. (2024) Taxonomic and functional differentiation in Brazilian creeks driven by the mass introduction of ornamental fish. Hydrobiologia, DOI: 10.1007/s10750-024-05732-x. PDF

Patoková B., Michalcová, P., Jančaříková, K., Patoka, J. (2024) Integrated teaching of natural sciences in the Czech Republic: SWOT analysis. Biologie Chemie Zeměpis, 3:16-28. PDF

Patoková B., Patoka J.,  Berchová Bímová, K., Görner, T., Jančaříková, K:, Kalous, L., Kopecký, O., Kořen, V., Novák, K., Pergl, J., Saska, L., Skuhrovec, J., Šmejkal, M., Vodáková, B., Pyšek, P. (2024) Biologické invaze v environmentální výuce pro druhý stupeň základních škol a nižší stupeň víceletých gymnázií. Praha: Certifikovaná metodika, ČZU, Praha. PDF

Ion, M. et al. (2024) World of Crayfish™: a web platform towards real-time global mapping of freshwater crayfish and their pathogens. PeerJ, 12: e18229. PDF

Soto, I. et al. (2024) Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science. Biological Reviews, 99: 1357-1390. PDF

Wyman-Grothem, K., Castello, L., dos Santos Catâneo, D. T. B., da Costa Doria, C. R., Magalhães, A. L. B., Patoka, J., Stewart, D., Watson, C. (2024) Invasion risk to the United States from Arapaima spp. hinges on climate suitability. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 16: 175-188. PDF

Pergl, J., Berchová Bímová, K., Dušek, J., Černý, K., Hnilička, M., Jurajda, P., Kadlecová, M., Kutlvašr, J., Patoka, J.,
Perglová, I., Rybanič, R., Skálová, H., Skuhrovec, J., Vítková, M., Vojík, M. (2024) Metodika hodnocení impaktu nepůvodních druhů (na biodiverzitu a socio‐ekonomiku)Certifikovaná metodika, Centrum pro krajinu a biodiverzitu (SS02030018‐V58).

Akmal, S. G., Yonvitner, Yulianda, F., Jerikho, R., Rustiadi, E., Slavík, O., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., Patoka, J. (2024) The farmer’s enemy: pest freshwater crab Parathelphusa convexa De Man, 1879(Decapoda: Gecarcinucidae) established in West Sumatra, Indonesia. BioInvasions Records, 13: 483-496. PDF

Marr, S., Patoka, J., Zvorykin, D. (2024) Estimating the potential distribution range of the invasive
South American suckermouth armoured catfishes Pterygoplichthys spp. in the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot
using MaxEnt. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34: e4173. PDF

Hossain, M. S., Akmal, S. G., Buřič, M., Patoka, J. (2024) Invasive Amazon sailfin catfish in Bangladesh: wild distribution, environmental and perceived socio-economic consequences. Aquatic Invasions, 19:121-136. DOI

Lipták, B., Kouba, A., Patoka, J., Paunović, M., Prokop, P. (2024) Biological invasions and invasive species in
freshwaters: perception of the general public. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 28: 48-63.

Mojžišová, M., Weipert, A., Gebauer, R., Laffitte, M., Patoka, J., Grandjean, F., Kouba, A., Petrusek, A. (2024) Diversity and distribution of Aphanomyces astaci in a European hotspot of ornamental crayfish introductions. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 202: 108040. DOI

Patoková, B., Patoka, J., Jančaříková, K., Kopecký, O., Novák, K., Kalous, K. (2023) Biologické invaze v environmentální výuce pro první stupeň základních škol. Certifikovaná metodika, ČZU, Praha. PDF

Patoka, J. (2023) Sladkovodní jihoamerické trnuchy se šíří v Indonésii. Akvárium, 61: 26-29. PDF

Kawai, T., Patoka, J. (2023) The antennular setation and sternal morphology of parastacid crayfishes, with a comparison across Astacidea (Decapoda). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 43:1-11. PDF

Magalhães, A. L. B., de Azevedo, C. S., Maceda-Veiga, A., Patoka, J. (2023) The scientist eyes: monitoring YouTube™ to quantify aquatic pet release in Brazil. Aquatic Ecology, 58: 73–88. PDF

Patoka, J., Akmal, S. G., Bláha, M., Kouba, A. (2023) Cherax woworae, a new freshwater crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) from Southwest Papua Province, Indonesia. Zootaxa, 5325: 582-592. PDF

Bláha, M., Patoka, J., Policar, T., Śliwińska, K., Alekhnovich, A., Berezina, N., Petrescu A.-M., Mumladze, L., Weiperth, A., Jelic, M., Kozák, P., Maguire, I. (2023) Phylogeographic patterns of genetic diversity in Pontastacus leptodactylus (Decapoda: Astacidae): is the hypothesis of the taxonomically rich genus Pontastacus true? Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlad025. PDF

Akmal, S. G., Yonvitner, Yulianda, F., Adrianto, L., Patoka, J. (2023) Potential spread of invasive crayfish used as life bait by Indonesian anglers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 29: 319-331. PDF

Novák, J., Frynta, D., Nováková, D., Patoka, J. (2023) Social deprivation in maternal mouthbrooders Tropheus sp. “Caramba” (Teleostei: Cichlidae) decreases the success rate of reproduction and survival rate of fish fry. Scientific Reports, 13: 8284. PDF

Jerikho, R., Akmal, S. G., Hasan, V., Novák, J., Magalhães, A. L. B., Maceda-Veiga, A., Tlusty, M. F., Rhyne, A., Slavík, O., Patoka, J. (2023). Foreign stingers: South American freshwater river stingrays Potamotrygon spp. established in Indonesia. Scientific Reports, 13: 7255. PDF

Lipták, B., Zorić, K., Patoka, J., Kouba, A., & Paunović, M. (2023). The aquarium pet trade as a source of potentially invasive crayfish species in Serbia. Biologia, 78: 2147–2155. PDF

Bohatá, L., Patoka, J. (2023) Invasion potential of ornamental terrestrial gastropods in Europe based on climate matching. Diversity, 15: 272. PDF

Patoka, J., Prokin, A., Dinh, C.N., Tsvetkov, A., Akmal, S.G., Petrtýl, M., Bláha, M. (2022) The native range of Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White, 1846 (Decapoda: Brachyura) predicted by climate matching with the first record for Vietnam, Biologia, 78: 829-836 PDF

Kawai, T., Patoka, J. (2022) Morphological Observation of Museum Specimens of Astacus astacus and Pontastacus leptodactylus. Freshwater Crayfish, 27: 49-68. PDF

Bláha, M., Weiperth, A., Patoka, J., Szajbert, B., Balogh, E. R., Staszny, Á., Ferincz, Á., Lente, V., Maciaszek, R., Kouba, A. (2022). The pet trade as a source of non‑native decapods: the case of crayfish and shrimps in a thermal waterbody in Hungary. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194: 795. PDF

Akmal, S. G., Yonvitner, Jerikho, R., Yulianda, F., Wardiatno, Y., Novák, J., Kalous, L., Slavík, O., Patoka, J. (2022). Culture, trade and establishment of Polypterus senegalus in Indonesia with first record of wild populations. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 14: 127-133. PDF

Novák, J., Magalhães, A. L. B., Faulkes, Z., Yonvitner, Maceda-Veiga, A., Dahanukar, N., Kawai, T., Kalous, L., Patoka, J. (2022). Ornamental aquaculture significantly affected by the “Czech aquarium phenomenon”. Aquaculture, 555: 738259. PDF

Yonvitner, Agus, S.B., Lestari, D.F., Pasaribu, R., Supriyanto, E., Widodo, C., Sugara, A., Patoka, J., Akmal, S.G. (2022) Vulnerability status of the coral ecosystem in Kepulauan Seribu Marine National Park, Indonesia. Coastal Management, 50: 251-261. PDF

Kulma, M., Molero-Baltanás, R., Petrtýl, M., Patoka, J. (2022) Invasion of synanthropic silverfish continues: first established populations of Ctenolepisma calvum (Ritter, 1910) revealed in the Czech Republic. BioInvasions Records, 11: 110-123. PDF

Novák, J., Hofmann, J., Hohl, D., Magalhães, A.L.B., Patoka, J. (2022) Enigmatic armoured catfishes (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae and Loricariidae) in ornamental aquaculture: a new insight into Neotropical fish diversity. Aquaculture, 547: 737460 PDF

Lucañas, C.C., Bláha, M., Rahmadi, C., Patoka, J. (2021) The first Nocticola Bolivar 1892 (Blattodea: Nocticolidae) from New Guinea. Zootaxa, 5082: 294-300. PDF

Yuliana, E., Yonvitner, Akmal, S.G., Subing, R.A., Ritonga, S.A., Santoso, A., Kouba, A., Patoka, J. (2021) Import, trade and culture of non-native ornamental crayfish in Java, Indonesia. Management of Biological Invasions, 12: 846-857. PDF

Kulma, M., Bubová, T., Davies, M.P., Boiocchi, F., Patoka, J. (2021) Ctenolepisma longicaudatum Escherich (1905) became a common pest in Europe: Case studies from Czechia and the United Kingdom. Insects, 12: 810. PDF

Kuljanishvili, T., Mumladze, L., Japoshvili, B., Mustafayev, N., Ibrahimov, S., Patoka, J., Pipoyan, S., Kalous, L. (2021) The first unified inventory of non-native fishes of the South Caucasian countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 422: 32.

Patoka, J., Patoková, B. (2021) Hitchhiking exotic clam: Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) transported via ornamental plant trade. Diversity, 13: 410. PDF

Vilizzi, L., et al. (2021) A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 788: 147868. PDF

Kouba, A., Lipták, B., Kubec, J., Bláha, M., Veselý, L., Haubrock, P. J., Oficialdegui, F. J., Niksirat H., Patoka, J., Buřič, M. (2021). Survival, growth, and reproduction: Comparison of marbled crayfish with four prominent crayfish invaders. Biology, 10: 422. PDF

Ložek, F., Patoka, J., Bláha, M. (2021) Another hitchhiker exposed: Diceratocephala boschmai (Platyhelminthes: Temnocephalida) found associated with ornamental crayfish Cherax spp. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 422: 25. PDF

Kuljanishvili, T., Patoka, J., Bohatá, L., Rylková, K., Japoshvili, B., Kalous L. (2021) Evaluation of the potential establishment of black-striped pipefish transferred by cultural drivers. Inland Waters. 11: 278-285. PDF

Tapkir, S.D., Kumkar, P., Gosavi, S.M., Kharat, S.S., Patoka, J., Kalous, L. (2021) Far from home: tracking the global ornamental fish trade in endangered zebra loach, Botia striata, from freshwater ecoregion and biodiversity hotspot in India. Journal for Nature Conservation, 61: 126007. PDF

Akmal, S. G., Santoso, A., Yonvitner, Yuliana, E., Patoka, J. (2021) Redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus): Spatial distribution and dispersal pattern in Java, Indonesia. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 422: 16. PDF

Kawai, T., Patoka, J. (2021) Gill morphology and formulae of crayfishes (Decapoda: Astacidea: Parastacidae) from New Guinea and New Zealand and a comparison with selected species of other crayfishes. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 41: 1-11. PDF

Haubrock, P., Oficialdegui, F.J., Yiwen, Z., Patoka, J., Yeo, D.C.J., Kouba, A. (2021) The redclaw crayfish: A prominent aquaculture species with invasive potential in tropical and subtropical biodiversity hotspots. Reviews in Aquaculture, 13: 1488-1530. PDF

Patoka, J. (2020) Člověk a rak v českých zemích. Naše příroda, 6: 26-33.

Akmal, S.G., Zámečníková-Wanma, B.P.D., Prabowo, R.E., Khatami, A.M., Novák, J., Petrtýl, M., Kalous, L., Patoka, J. (2020) Marine ornamental trade in Indonesia. Aquatic Living Resources, 33: 25. PDF

Marková, J., Jerikho, R., Wardiatno, Y., Kamal, M.M., Magalhães, A.L.B., Bohatá, L., Kalous, L., Patoka, J. (2020) Conservation paradox of giant arapaima Arapaima gigas (Schinz 1822) (Pisces: Arapaimidae): endangered in its native range in Brazil and invasive in Indonesia. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 421: 47. PDF

Weiperth, A., Bláha, M., Szajbert, B., Seprős, R., Bányai, Z., Patoka, J., Kouba, A. (2020) Hungary: a European hotspot of non-native crayfish biodiversity. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 421: 43. PDF

Kawai, T., Patoka, J. (2020) Morphology of gastric mills and mandibles of New Guinean parastacid crayfishes, with comparisons with other Astacidea (Decapoda). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 40: 692-703. PDF

Bláha, M., Patoka, J., Japoshvili, B., Let, M., Buřič, M., Kouba, A., Mumladze, L. (2020) Genetic diversity, phylogenetic position and morphometric analysis of Astacus colchicus (Decapoda, Astacidae): a new insight into Eastern European crayfish fauna. Integrative Zoology, 16: 368-378. PDF

Patoka, J., Prabowo, R.E., Petrtýl, M., Reynolds, J., Kuříková, P., Zámečníková-Wanma, B., Kalous, L. (2020) Marine hitchhikers: a preliminary study on invertebrates unintentionally transported via the international pet trade. NeoBiota, 61: 33-36. PDF.

Patoka, J., Takdir, M., Yonvitner, Aryadi, H., Jerikho, R., Nilawati, J., Tantu, F. Y., Bohatá, L., Aulia, A., Kamal, M. M., Wardiatno, Y., Petrtýl, M. (2020) Two species of illegal South American sailfin catfish of the genus Pterygoplichthys well-established in Indonesia. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 421: 28.  PDF

Patoka, J. (2020) Crayfish of New Guinea: Current status, exploitation and threats. In: Ribeiro F. B. (ed.)  Crayfish: Evolution, Habitat and Conservation Strategies, Nova, New York, 43-69 pp. ISBN: 978-1-53616-941.

Novák, J., Kalous, L., Patoka, J. (2020) Modern ornamental aquaculture in Europe: early history of freshwater fish imports. Reviews in Aquaculture, 12: 2042–2060. PDF

Yonvitner, Y., Patoka, J., Yuliana, E., Bohatá, L., Tricarico, E., Karella, T., Kouba, A., Reynolds, J. D. (2020) Enigmatic hotspot of crayfish diversity at risk: Invasive potential of non‐indigenous crayfish if introduced to New Guinea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30: 219-224. PDF

Patoka, J., Bohatá, L., Karella, T., Marková, J., Yuliana, E., Yonvitner (2019) Invasive potential of pet-traded pill-box crabs from genus Limnopilos. Diversity, 11: 91. PDF

Weiperth, A., Gál, B., Kuříková, P., Langrová, I., Kouba, A., Patoka, J. (2019) Risk assessment of pet-traded decapod crustaceans in Hungary with evidence of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) in the wild. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 15: e171303. PDF

Patoka, J., Kalous, L., Bartoš, L. (2019) Early ontogeny social deprivation modifies future agonistic behaviour
in crayfish. Scientific Reports, 9: 4667. PDF

Weiperth, A., Gábris, V., Danyik, T., Farkas, A., Kuříková, P., Kouba, A., Patoka, J. (2019) Occurrence of non-native red cherry shrimp in European temperate waterbodies: a case study from Hungary. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 420: 9. PDF

Kulma, M., Vrabec, V., Holer, T., Patoka, J. (2019) Invazní rybenka Ctenolepisma longicaudata odhalena v České republice. Živa, 2: 79. PDF

Putra, M. D., Bláha, M., Wardiatno, Y., Krisanti, M., Jerikho, R., Kamal, M. M., Mojžišová, M., Bystřický P. K., Kouba A., Kalous, L., Petrusek, A., Patoka, J. (2018) Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) and crayfish plague as new threats for biodiversity in Indonesia.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 28: 1434-1440. PDF

Patoka, J. (2018) Rak nažloutlý - první jeskynní rak na Nové Guineji. Živa, 4: 185-187. PDF

Patoka, J. (2018) Původních ekosystémů se v ČR zachovalo jen velice málo. Zpravodaj Ministerstva životního prostředí, 2: 10-11.

Kulma, M., Vrabec, V., Patoka, J., Rettich, F. (2018) The first established population of the invasive silverfish Ctenolepisma longicaudata (Escherich) in the Czech Republic. BioInvasions Records, 7: 329-333. PDF

Hossain, M. S., Patoka, J., Kouba, A., Buřič, M. (2018) Clonal crayfish as biological model: a review on marbled crayfish. Biologia, 73: 841-855. PDF

Patoka, J., Magalhães, A. L. B., Kouba, A., Faulkes, Z., Jerikho, R., Vitule, J. R. C. (2018) Invasive aquatic pets: failed policies increase risks of harmful invasions. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27: 3037-3046. PDF

Patoka, J., Wardiatno, Y., Mashar, A., Yonvitner, Wowor, D., Jerikho, R., Takdir, M., Purnamasari, L., Petrtýl, M., Kalous, L., Kouba, A., Bláha, M. (2018) Redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868), widespread throughout Indonesia. BioInvasions Records, 7: 185–189. PDF

Patoka, J. (2018) Akvaristika v Indonésii: je libo arapaimu, kostlína či geneticky modifikovaná dánia? Akvárium, 40: 52-65. PDF

Patoka, J., Vejtrubová, M., Vrabec, V., Masopustová, R. (2018) Which wild Aardvarks are most suitable for outdoor enclosures in zoological gardens in the European Union?. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 21: 1-7. PDF

Patoka, J., Bláha, M. (2018) První jeskynní rak na jižní polokouli objeven českými výzkumníky. Akvárium, 39: 34-43. PDF

Guo, W., Buřič, M., Patoka, J., Kouba, A. (2017) Red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii: economic importance but also environmental threat. In: The 3rd International Congress on Biological Invasions, 19-23 November 2017, Hangzhou, China, S1-14.

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kouba, A. (2017) Cherax acherontis (Decapoda: Parastacidae), a first cave crayfish on Southern Hemisphere (Papua Province, Indonesia). Zootaxa, 4363: 137-144. PDF

Weiperth, A., Gál, B., Kuříková, P., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., Patoka, J. (2017) Cambarellus patzcuarensis in Hungary: The first dwarf crayfish established outside of North America. Biologia, 72: 1529-1532. PDF

Patoka, J., Buřič, M., Bláha, M., Kouba, A., Ďuriš, Z. (2017) České názvy živočichů VIII. Desetinožci (Decapoda) infrařád rakotvární (Astacidea). Národní muzeum (zoologické oddělení), Praha, pp 86, ISBN 978-80-7036-541-0.

Patoka J., Kouba A. (2017) Počátek invaze raka mramorovaného v ČR? Fórum ochrany přírody, 3: 41-43. http://www.casopis.forumochranyprirody.cz/

Uderbayev, T., Patoka J., Beisembayev, R., Petrtýl, M., Bláha, M., Kouba, A. (2017) Risk assessment of pet-traded decapod crustaceans in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the leading country in Central Asia. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 418: 30. PDF

Vodovsky, N., Patoka, J., Kouba, A. (2017) Ecosystem of Caspian Sea threatened by pet-traded non-indigenous crayfish. Biological Invasions, 19: 2207-2217. PDF

Patoka, J., Kopecký, O., Vrabec, V., Kalous, L. (2017) Aquarium molluscs as a case study in risk assessment of incidental freshwater fauna. Biological Invasions, 19: 2039-2046. PDF

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kalous, L., Kouba, A. (2017) Irresponsible vendors: non-native, invasive and threatened animals offered for garden pond stocking. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 27: 692-697. PDF

Patoka, J., Buřič, M., Kolář, V., Bláha, M., Petrtýl, M., Franta, P., Tropek, R., Kalous, L., Petrusek, A., Kouba, A. (2016) Predictions of marbled crayfish establishment in conurbations fulfilled: evidences from the Czech Republic. Biologia, 71:1380-1385. PDF

Patoka, J., Wardiatno, Yonvitner, Y., Kuříková, P., Petrtýl, M., Kalous, L. (2016) Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens) has invaded Indonesian territory west of the Wallace Line: evidences from Java. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 417: 39. PDF

Kotovska, G., Khrystenko, D., Patoka, J., Kouba, A. (2016) East European crayfish stocks at risk: arrival of non-indigenous crayfish species. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 417: 37. PDF

Bláha, M., Patoka, J., Kouba, A., Kozák, P. (2016) Unrecognized diversity in New Guinean crayfish species (Decapoda, Parastacidae): the evidence from molecular data. Integrative Zoology, 11: 457-468. PDF

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kouba, A. (2016) Cherax gherardiae. Akvárium, 33: 22-25.

Kouba, A., Tíkal, J., Císař, P., Veselý, L., Fořt, M., Příborský, J., Patoka, J., Buřič, M. (2016) The significance of droughts for hyporheic dwellers: evidence from freshwater crayfish. Scientific Reports, 6, 26569. PDF

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kalous, L., Vrabec, V., Buřič, M., Kouba, A. (2016) Potential pest transfer mediated by international ornamental plant trade. Scientific Reports, 6: 25896. PDF

Patoka, J., Petrtýl, M. (2016) Suchozemští krabi - obrněnci na pomezí souše a vody. Akvárium, 32: 43-46.

Kopecký, O., Patoka, J., Kalous, L. (2016) Establishment risk and potential invasiveness of the selected exotic amphibians from pet trade in the European Union. Journal for Nature Conservation, 31: 22-28. PDF

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Devetter, M., Rylková, K., Čadková, Z., Kalous, L. (2016) Aquarium hitchhikers: attached organisms imported with freshwater shrimps via pet trade. Biological Invasions, 18 (2): 457-461. PDF

Patoka, J., Kocánová, B., Kalous, L. (2016) Crayfish in Czech cultural space: the longest documented relationship between humans and crayfish in Europe. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 417: 05. PDF

Kalous L., Patoka J., Kopecký O. (2015) European hub for invaders: Risk assessment of freshwater aquarium fishes exported from the Czech Republic. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 45 (3): 239-245. PDF

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., & Kouba, A. (2015) Cherax (Cherax) subterigneus, a new crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) from West Papua, Indonesia. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 35 (6): 830-838.

Patoka, J., Bláha, M., Kouba, A. (2015) Cherax (Astaconephrops) gherardii, a new crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) from West Papua, Indonesia. Zootaxa, 3964 (5): 526-536. PDF

Patoka, J., Petrtýl, M., Koščo, J., Rylková, K. (2015) Juvenile red swamp crayfish growth affected by isolation from their mother. Biologia, 70 (5): 632-635. PDF

Patoka, J., Kalous, L., Kopecký, O. (2015) Imports of ornamental crayfish: the first decade from the Czech Republic's perspective. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 416: 04. PDF

Patoka, J., Nývltová Fišáková, M., Kalous, L., Škrdla, P., Kuča, M. (2014) Earliest evidence for human consumption of crayfish. Crustaceana, 87 (13): 1578-1585. PDF

Patoka, J., Petrtýl, M., Kalous, L. (2014) Garden ponds as potential introduction pathway of ornamental crayfish. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 414: 13. PDF

Patoka, J., Kalous, L., Kopecký, O. (2014) Risk assessment of the crayfish pet trade based on data from the Czech Republic. Biological Invasions, 16 (12): 2489-2494. PDF

Patoka, J., Kalous, L., Petrtýl, M. (2014) Size and structure of noble crayfish population in an isolated pond. In: Kubík, Š., Barták, M. (eds), Workshop on Biodiversity, Jevany. ČZU, Praha, 157-161. PDF

Kalous, L., Petrtýl, M., Patoka, J., Rylková, K. (2014) Staráme se více o účes než o přírodu? Využití Google Trends pro měření veřejného zájmu. In: Kubík, Š., Barták, M. (eds), Workshop on Biodiversity, Jevany. ČZU, Praha, 58-66. PDF

Hlava, J., Patoka, J., Kopecký, O. (2014) White-tailed eagle observation at Landa pond in the faunistic quadrant 6550d. In: Kubík, Š., Barták, M. (eds), Workshop on Biodiversity, Jevany. ČZU, Praha, 28-31. PDF

Patoka, J., Petrtýl, M., Kalous, L. (2013) Growth of juvenile red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) (Decapoda: Cambaridae) reared in groups consisting of either sibling and non sibling individuals. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 77 (1): 67-71. PDF

Kopecký, O., Kalous, L., Patoka, J. (2013) Establishment risk from pet-trade freshwater turtles in the European Union. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 410: 02. PDF

Patoka, J., Římalová-Kadlecová, K., Bílý, M., Koščo, J. (2013) Frequency of new marble-colored morph in wild population of Austropotamobius torrentium (Decapoda: Astacidae). Biologia, 68 (4): 707-711. PDF

Patoka, J. (2013) Sladkovodní raci. Robimaus. Rudná u Prahy. pp. 71. ISBN: 978-80-87293-30-0.

Patoka, J., Kalous, L. (2013) První nález raka říčního (Astacus astacus) v kvadrátu 5562. In: Kubík, Š., Barták, M. (eds), Workshop on Biodiversity, Jevany. ČZU, Praha, 278-283. PDF

Patoka, J., Kalous, L., Petrtýl, M. (2013) Ověření výskytu raka pruhovaného (Orconectes limosus) v zatopené pískovně Provodín II. In: Kubík, Š., Barták, M. (eds), Workshop on Biodiversity, Jevany. ČZU, Praha, 271-277. PDF

Patoka, J., Petrtýl, M., Kalous, L. (2013) Raci v České republice: přehled komerčně využívaných druhů. In: Kubík, Š., Barták, M. (eds), Workshop on Biodiversity, Jevany. ČZU, Praha, 133-142.

Kalous, L., Petrtýl, M., Patoka, J., Rylková, K. (2013) Fishes in the Campus of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. In: Kubík, Š., Barták, M. (eds), Workshop on Biodiversity, Jevany. ČZU, Praha, 218-222. PDF

Patoka, J., Petrtýl, M. (2012) Vliv sourozeneckého vztahu na rychlost růstu juvenilních raků červených (Procambarus clarkii, Girard) (Decapoda: Cambaridae). Sborník abstraktů 24.-26. října 2012, XIII. Česká ichtyologická konference, 24.10.2012, Tribun EU, Červená nad Vltavou, p. 60.

Patoka, J., Nývltová-Fišáková, M., Kuča, M. (2012) Nejstarší doklad o konzumaci raků (Decapoda: Astacidea) lidmi v pravěku: nález fragmentů klepet z lokality Horákov, kultura s moravskou malovanou keramikou, Česká republika. Sborník abstraktů, 18th Quaternary Conference, ÚGV PřF MU, Brno, p. 41.

Patoka, J. (2012) Chov raků v akváriích [Crayfish breeding in aquaria]. Certifikovaná metodika, ČZU, Praha. pp. 44. ISBN 978-80-213-2249-3. PDF

Petrtýl, M., Kalous, L., Patoka, J. (2012) Česká a vědecká jména významných druhů chovaných a lovených ryb v České republice a analýza současného stavu názvosloví ryb z některých dokumentů dotčených institucí. In: Kubík, Š., Barták, M. (eds), Workshop on Biodiversity, Jevany. ČZU, Praha, 143-148.

Patoka, J. (2012) Krabi a poustevníčci. Robimaus. Rudná u Prahy. pp. 72. ISBN: 978-80-87293-27-0.

Patoka, J. (2010) Sladkovodní australský endemit, kreveta Macrobrachium bullatum Fincham, 1987. Aquaristik, 1 (2): 30-31.

Patoka, J. (2010) Krevety sladkovodní. Robimaus. Rudná u Prahy. pp. 71. ISBN: 978-80-87293-15-7.

Patoka, J. (2009) Yabby (Cherax destructor). Aquaristik, 1 (1): 20-21.

Patoka, J. (2009) Přehled a rozšíření račích druhů v Evropě. Akvárium Terárium, 52 (4): 26-28.

Patoka J. (2009) Cherax holthuisi. Akvárium Terárium, 52 (1): 21-23.

Patoka, J., Kalous, L. (2008) Comparison of migration and home range of pike (Esox lucius) in two different rivers. Příspěvek ve sborníku, Workshop of animal biodiversity, Jevany, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, p 75. ISBN: 978-80-213-1865-6.

Patoka, J. (2008) Račí mor. Akvárium Terárium, 51 (2): 26-29.

Patoka, J. (2008) Chováme sladkovodní raky. Grada Publishing, a.s. Praha. pp. 128. ISBN: 978-80-247-1836-1.

Patoka, J. (2008) Atyopsis gabonensis, Giebel, 1875. Akvárium Terárium, 51 (5): 25-26.

Patoka, J. (2007) Vliv feromonů na přežití juvenilních raků. Akvárium Terárium, 50 (6): 20-22.