Ing. Filipp Georgijevič Savvulidi, Ph.D.

Savvulidi Filipp Georgijevič

I am an Assistant professor (Odborný asistent) at the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources (Department of Animal Science /Katedra chovu hospodářských zvířat). My scientific interests: small ruminants sperm cryopreservation, sperm quality evaluation and improvements in small ruminants breeding biotechnology. My personal expertise: flow cytometry of sperm; CASA. 

Students, who wish to do their experimental part of Bachelor or Diploma work in the laboratory of the Deaprtment of Animal Science (Katedra chovu hospodářských zvířat) are welcommed to contact me to discuss possibilities to cooperate. The state-of-the-art laboratory is equipped with flow cytometer, CASA, spectrophotometer, sperm freezing/thawing devices, and other stuff which is necessary for doing a world-level scientific research.

Visit me at: FAPPZ Pavilon B, Katedra chovu hospodářských zvířat, Office B318 (or contact me by email).