RNDr. Oldřich Vacek, CSc.


Supervised courses

AFA04E Landscape Design and Maintenance
AFA73E Establishment and Treatment of Greenery
AZA03E GIS in Landscape Architecture
AZA04E Landscaping
AZA07E Establishment and Maintenance of Greenery
AZA09Z CAD and Fundamentals of technical drawing - Bc.
AZA18Z Excursion domestic
AZA22E Landscape, Environment and Rural Protection
AZA24E Landscape and Landscape Composition
AZA31E Basic Landscaping
AZA80E Basic Landscaping
AZA98E Landscaping Technology I - Establishment and maintenance
AZA99E Landscape and Landscape Composition
AZAC9E Maintenance of Individual Types of Landscape

Study fields

4109T007 Garden and Landscape Planning
4144R005 Garden and Lanscape Maintenance