doc. Ing. Jaroslav Vadlejch, Ph.D.


2022 – 2024 Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, TA ČR SS05010070: Spread of invasive parasite species and their devastating effects on the biodiversity of native ruminant species

2020 – 2022 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, INTER-EXCELLENCE, INTER-ACTION LTAUSA19109: Novel strategies for designing antiparasitic molecules as human and veterinary drugs

 2019 – 2021 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, INTER-EXCELLENCE, INTER-COST LTC19018: Pilot strategic plan of combating against the resistant strains of parasitic worms in the populations of Czech farm ruminants

 2018 – 2021 European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST CA16230:  Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants, Management committee member                       

2018 – 2019 University internal grant agency ČZU, CIGA 20182005: Morphological identification and molecular-genetic analysis of variability of parasitic nematodes of the genus Setaria detected in ungulates in the Czech Republic 

2017 – 2019 Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, TA ČR TJ01000009: Assessing the risk of the invasive parasite Ashworthius sidemi to cloven-hoofed animals in Czech game reserves; ashworthiosis control and prevention

2016 – 2018 Czech Science Foundation, GA ČR 16-07441S: Long-term impact of different types of fertilization on soil biota with emphasis on the effect of organic pollutants associated with human activity

2016 – 2017 University internal grant agency ČZU, CIGA 20162012: Risk factors for the development of gastrointestinal nematode resistance to benzimidazole anthelmintics in goat farming in the Czech Republic

2015 – 2018 National Agency for Agricultural Research, NAZV QJ1510038: Use of plant extracts as bioantiparasitics in livestock

2011 – 2014 National Agency for Agricultural Research, NAZV QI111A199: Effective system for parasitic infection control in sheep farming                                                                                                      

2011 – 2012 University internal grant agency ČZU, CIGA 20112010: Lead transport and accumulation in the host-parasite system

2007 Internal grant agency FAFNR ČZU, IGA 21260/1312/213108: Proteolytic activity of Teladorsagia circumcincta hypobiotic larvae

2006 Internal grant agency FAFNR ČZU, IGA 21260/1312/3168: Teladorsagia circumcicnta – inducing factors for hypobiosis

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and its endohelminths as heavy metals pollution bioindicators

GA FAPPZ, 2008-2008

Pilot strategic plan of combating against the resistant strains of parasitic worms in the populations of Czech farm ruminants

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR, 2019-2021

Nové strategie pro vývoj antiparazitárních molekul jako humánních a veterinárních léčiv

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR, 2020-2022

Šíření invazních druhů parazitů a drtivé dopady na biologickou rozmanitost původních druhů přežvýkavců

Technologická agentura ČR, 2022-2024

Vývoj nových chemoterapeutik proti humánním a veterinárním parazitárním infekcím

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR, 2023-2027

Udržitelné antiparazitární programy v chovech malých přežvýkavců

Grantová agentura ČR, 2024-2027