doc. RNDr. Ales Vanek, Ph.D.


1998 - 2003: MSc. in Environmental Geology, Charles University, Prague

11/2003: Rigorosum in Environmental Geology, Charles University, Prague

2003 - 2006: Ph.D. in Crop Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS)

4 - 6/2006: Research Fellowship, Dresden University of Technology, Germany

12/2012: Habilitation in Soil Science, CULS


10/2006 - 8/2007: Senior Investigator, AQUATEST - Division of Ecological Monitoring and Risk Assessment

10/2007 - 3/2013: Researcher-Lecturer, Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection, CULS

4/2013: Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection, CULS

4/2013 - 3/2017: Member, Expert Panel of the Czech Science Foundation - Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geology and Mineralogy, Hydrogeology

4/2017 - 3/2021: Member, Expert Panel of the Czech Science Foundation - Food Technology, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry

1/2017: Member, Scientific Council of Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague

1/2017: Member, Council for Doctoral Studies, Exploitation and Protection of Natural Resources, CULS

1/2019: Member, Council for Doctoral Studies, Applied Geology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague

1/2020 - 12/2023: Member, University Council for the Excellent Research (UNCE, PRIMUS), Charles University, Prague