doc. Ing. Vladimír Verner, Ph.D.

Verner Vladimír


IEO004E Farming Systems Economics (TropAg)
DITI50Y Farming Systems Development and Poverty Alleviation
DITI52Y Economics and Geography of World Agriculture

Farming and Rural Systems Development Research Group (FARSYD) represents an integral part of the Department of Economics and Development. Main focus of the team is the investigation and documentation of the situation and development of farming system worldwide through quantitative and qualitative approaches. Research includes several studies focused on:

  • Market and value chains of neglected and underutilised crop species
  • Commercialization of non-timber forest products and/or other "traditional" products
  • Role of homegarden in household economics in rural and peri-urban areas
  • Economic assessment of farming systems rehabiliation and/or develoment
  • Market surveys and demand analysis for domestic (traditional) or introduced products
  • Socioeconomic and cultural documentation of life of migrant communities in Europe