doc. Ing. Vladimír Verner, Ph.D.


Peer-reviewed Original Articles (Thompson Reuters®):

Knotek, K.; Verner, V.; Chaloupková, P.; Kokoška, L. Prevalence and use of herbal products in the Czech Republic: Over-the-counter survey among adult pharmacies clients. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2012, 20: 199-206.
Vlková, M.; Polesný, Z.; Verner, V.; Banout, J.; Dvořák, M.; Havlík, J.; Lojka, B.; Ehl, P.; Krausová, J. Ethnobotanical knowledge and agrobiodiversity in subsistence farming—Case study of home gardens in Phong My commune, central Vietnam. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2011, 58: 629-644.
Banout, J.; Ehl, P.; Havlík, J.; Lojka, B.; Polesný, Z.; Verner, V.; Lojková, J. Design and performance evaluation of a Double-pass solar drier for red chilli (Capsicum annum L.). Solar Energy, 2011, 85: 506-515.

Reviewed Research Papers:

Lojka, B.; Banout, J.; Banoutova, L.; Verner, V.; van Damme, P. Diversity of shifting cultivation cycles among small-scale farmers in Peruvian Amazon. Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 2: 68-77.
Herák, D.; Verner, V. Methods of loose material grade of mixtures analyses. Mechanizacija ta elektrifikacija silskogo gospodarstva, 2009, 92: 243-252.
Holíková, P.; Havrland, B.; Verner V. Implementation and compability of European Credit Transfer System—Case study of Moldova. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 2008, 41: 27-32.
Verner, V.; Pačesný, J.; Jeníček, V. The question of using human development index for developing countries classification and new methods of calculation with special regard to environment. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 2006, 39: 52-65.
Pačesný, J.; Verner, V.; Jeníček, V. Change in ACP countries trade regime. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 2006, 38(3-4): 94—99.

Conference Proceedings (Thompson Reuters®):

Verner, V.; Herák, D.; Simanjuntak, S.; Andert L. Perspectives of increasing biodiesel production through introduction of Jatropha curcas L. into the subsistence farming systems: Experience from North Sumatra, Indonesia. Conference Proceedings: 11th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Latvia University of Agriculture, 24-25 May 2012, Jelgava, Latvia, p. 417-422.
Knotek, K.; Verner, V.; Kokoška L. Prevalence of herbal products among Czech adults. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2009, 55: 706.

Development reports:

Russell, D.; Verner, V. CGIAR Review 2010. CGIAR Review 2010 – According to the System Priorities of CGIAR projects funded by the EC in 2009 - to be carried out in the second half of 2010 CIMMYT (66) Trait Capture for Crop Improvement. IFAD-ECART & Agrinatura for EC, 2011, 266 p.
Svec, D.; Verner, V. Evaluation Report – Projects of International Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic in Mongolia. UNDP, 2010, 42 p.
Banout, J.; Verner, V.; Havlík, J.; Lojka, B.; Polesný, Z.; Lojková, J.; Ehl, P.; Landovská, O. Natural resource conservation and use in the biodiversity hotspot buffer-zone. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Institute of Tropics and Subtropics. Prague, Czech Republic, 2009, 66 p.

Conference proceedings:

Bortl, L.; Lojka, B.; Verner, V. Adoption and socioeconomic evaluation of multistrata agroforestry systems in Peruvian Amazon. Conference Proceedings: Tropentag 2011. University of Bonn, 5–7 October 2011, Germany, p. 237.
Pastorková, E.; Verner, V.; Vlková, M. Changing face of home gardens—A case study of Phong My commune, Vietnam. Conference Proceedings: Tropentag 2011. University of Bonn, 5-7 October 2011, Germany, p. 98.
Pastorková, E; Verner, V.; Vlková, M. What is the men and women involvement in home garden production? A case study of Phong My commune, Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam. Conference Proceedings: Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Tropics and Subtropics. Prague, Czech University of Life Sciences, 2 December, 2011, Czech Republic, p. 51.
Banout, J.; Ehl, P.; Lojka, B.; Verner, V.; Polesný, Z.; Kučerová, I. Using a forced convection solar drier for bamboo shoots. Conference Proceedings: Eurosan 2010 Conference, 28 September – 1 October, 2010, Graz, Austria.
Ptáček, J.; Banout, J.; Havlík, J.; Ehl, P.; Klouček, P.; Lojka, B.; Verner, V. Essential oil analysis of dried Vietnamese coriander (Presicaria odorata Lour.) grown in Thua Thien-Hue province, Vietnam. Conference Proceedings: Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Tropics and Subtropics. Prague, Czech University of Life Sciences, 19 November 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 29.
Vlková, M.; Polesný, Z.; Verner, V.; Ehl, P.; Havlík, J.; Lojka, B.; Lojková, J.; Banout, J. Ethnobotanical inventory of homegardens in the community Phong My, Central Vietnam. Conference Proceedings: 26th Symposium of the International Commission for the Anthropology of Food (ICAF) of the International Union for Anthropological et Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) 2008, 15-17 December 2008, Paris, France, p. 43.
Nejedlá, L.; Verner, V.; Holíková, P.; Herák, D.; Karanský, J.; Simanjuntak, S. 2008. Contract farming as a feasible tool for agri-food chain development in pineapple production: Case study of North Tapanuli. Conference Proceedings: Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, 7-9 October 2008, Germany, p. 56.
Svobodová, E.; Verner, V.; Divišová, M.; Herák, D.; Karanský, J. Contract farming in tobacco production: Opportunity for small-holders? Comparative study from North Sumatra. Conference Proceedings: Tropentag 2008. University of Hohenheim, 7–9 October 2008, Germany, p. 55.
Verner, V.; Holíková, P.; Pačesný, J. Using Gini coefficient as a tool for including income inequality into human development Index Conference Proceedings: Tropentag 2007. University of Witzenhausen, 9-11 October 2007, Germany, p. 114.