doc. Ing. Markéta Zárybnická, Ph.D.


Small mammals as key indicators of sublethal impacts of air pollution and metal(loid) deposition in terrestrial ecosystems

Registration number: 25-17362S
Provider: Czech Science Foundation (GACR)
Programme: Standard
Project coordinator: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
CZU Principal investigator: doc. Ing. Markéta Zárybnická Ph.D.  Project team members: prof. RNDr. Vladislav Chrastný, Ph.D., Ing. Adéla Šípková, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Šindelář, Ph.D., doc. Mgr. Jan Riegert, Ph.D.
Project manager: Eliška Kyšperská
Project schedule: 01/2025–12/2027

Pollutants are typically associated with direct harm to populations, but their sublethal — potentially significant — effects on food-chain dynamics are overlooked. We aim to understand how pollution affects the population dynamics of small mammals, crucial for maintaining food-chain stability. We will achieve that by analyzing 38-year data and 25-year bone collections from the European Black Triangle and contemporary samples from various sources and levels of contaminants. We expect that high pollutant concentrations will affect the dynamics and associated demographic characteristics, biomass, and health conditions of small-mammal populations. Results will provide compelling evidence for using small mammals as reliable bioindicators.