doc. Ing. Bc. Jakub Horák, Ph.D.
katedra ochrany lesa a entomologie

Forest Protection

The first field trip will be on Wednesday, March 12th. We will meet in Choceň close to the train main station, here: https://en.mapy.cz/s/momunozohu. We will start at 9:30. Thus, you can go by train (R 865 Svitava) from Prague main station (departure 8:01) with arrival to Choceň at 9:22.

The second trip will be on Thursday, March 13th. We will meet in Hradec Králové close to the Na Plachtě public transport station, here: https://en.mapy.cz/s/jotagohosu. We will start at 10:45. Thus, you can take the train (R 923 Krakonos) from Prague main station (departure 8:10) with arrival to Hradec Králové at 9:50. Then you can use public transport, which is trolleybus nr. 1 or 2 from Hradec Králové main station (Hlavní nádraží) to Na Plachtě bus station.

You can use the IDOS app to search for times and also buy tickets online.

Program for the semester:

The field lectures will be on Wednesday, March 12, and Thursday, March 13. The lectures will for the whole day, and one will start in Choceň and one in Hradec Králové.

March 26 at 11:00 AM will be the last day to submit the correct project to my e-mail (horakj(at)fld.cu.cz).

April 9 at 10:00 will be the time of the cognition test and also the examination for those who will have credit (at H 117).

Conditions for credit and exam are below (Conditions 2025). The same goes for the textbook (Textbook).

Here is a link to the sign-up for the field trip: https://doodle.com/group-poll/participate/eZvJp88e. At least one is obligatory.

I have also attached the introduction to forest protection for those who are not from forestry faculties (Intro to FP).