doc. Ing. Bc. Jakub Horák, Ph.D.
katedra ochrany lesa a entomologie

Forest Protection

January 23, 2025: The block lecture will be on Wednesday, February 26 at HT 117 from 8:45 to 12:00. You will hear the introduction to forest protection (the exercise book is below). I will also tell you the conditions for credit (project, field lectures and cognition test) and the way of examination. In the third part, you will get the information about the project.

The field lectures will be on Wednesday, March 12, and Thursday, March 13. The lectures will for the whole day, and one will start in Choceň and one in Hradec Králové.

March 26 at 11:00 AM will be the last day to submit the correct project to my e-mail (horakj(at)fld.cu.cz).

April 9 at 10:00 will be the time of the cognition test and also the examination for those who will have credit (at H 117).