Ing. Mgr. Jana Poláková, Ph.D.


ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6166-1943

Poláková, J., Humpál, J., Svoboda, A., Soukup, J. 2024. Interpreting different narratives about the land services and land use economics of Common Agricultural Policy. Land 13:620.

Svoboda, A., Poláková, J., Soukup, J. 2024. Do agri-environment schemes enhance carbon sequestration? Quantifying the effort in the Czech Republic. Ecological Engineering 200: 107175.

Poláková, J., Janků, J., Holec, J., Soukup J. 2023. Soil-water effects of Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions should be weighed in conjunction with carbon farming. Agronomy 13: 1002.

Poláková, J., Maroušková, A., Holec, J., Kolářová, M., Janků J. 2023. Changes in grassland area in lowlands and marginal uplands: Medium-term differences and potential for carbon farming.  Soil and Water Research 18 (4): 236-245.

Poláková, J., Janků, J., Holec, J., Maitah M., Soukup J. 2022. Effects of agri-environment schemes in terms of the results for soil, water and soil organic matter in Central and Eastern Europe. Agronomy 12: 1585.

Polakova, J., Holec, J., Soukup, J. 2021. Biomass production in farms in Less Favoured Areas: is it feasible to reconcile energy objectives with production and soil protection? Biomass and Bioenergy 148: 106015.

Polakova, J., Soukup, J. 2020. Results of implementing less-favoured area subsidies in the 2014-2020 time frame: Are the measures of environmental concern complementary? Sustainability 12 (24): 10534.

Poláková, J., Potopová, V., Holec, J. 2020. Ochrana přírodních zdrojů v politice rozvoje venkova. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 250s. ISBN 9788021330177.

Holec, J., Poláková, J., a kol. 2019. Zemědělství a potraviny. Profi press, s.r.o. Praha.

Sustainability—Risk—Resilience: How does the case of the Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions measure up? Sustainability 10(5): 1-15.

Poláková, J., Janků, J., Nocarová, M. 2018. Soil erosion, regulatory aspects and farmer responsibility: assessing cadastral data. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science 68(8): 709-718. https://doi.org/10.1080/09064710.2018.1471158 .

Poláková, J. 2018. Subsidies to less favoured areas in the Czech Republic. Why do they matter? Prague Economic Papers. 28(4): 416-432.

Poláková, J. 2018. Politika rozvoje venkova v EU. Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 246 s. ISBN 9788021327962.

Poláková, J. 2018. Is economic institutional adaptation feasible for agri-environmental policy? Case of Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition standards. AgricEcon - Czech 64(10): 456-463.

Cca 18 publikací týmových prací aplikovaného výzkumu pževážně k podpoře evropských institucí, vládních a nevládních organizací, z toho 6 prací jako „lead author“. Např:

Hart K.; Freibauer A.; Poláková, J.; Weiss, P. (2014). Guidelines and policy options on reporting on “Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry” (LULUCF). Unpublished guidance to Member States prepared for DG Climate Action. Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), London.

Poláková J., Keenleyside, C, Medarova-Bergstrom, K, Kettunen, M, Rayment, M, Skinner, I and Tucker, G (2014) Common Framework for Biodiversity-Proofing of the EU Budget: Guidance for Common Agricultural Policy funds (EAGF and EAFRD). Guidance to Member States prepared for DG Environment. Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), London/Brussels.

Sanders J; Clement, T.; Devot, A.; Huber, B.; Keenleyside, C.; Nocentini, L.; Padel, S.; Poláková, J.; Schmid, O; Stolze, M.; Zander K. (2014) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Report prepared for DG Agriculture. Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, Braunschweig.

Underwood, E.; Poláková, J.; Berman, S.; Dooley,E.; Frelih-Larsen, A.; Kretschmer, B.; Maxted, N.; McConville, A.J.; Naumann, S.; Sarteel, M.; Tostivint, C.; Tucker, G.M.; van der Grijp, N.M. (2013) Technology options for feeding 10 billion people. Climate change and agriculture; biodiversity and agriculture. Report prepared for the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel of the European Parliament. Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), London/Brussels.

Poláková J; Berman, S; Naumann, S; Frelih-Larsen, A; von Toggenburg, J; Farmer, A (2013) The sustainable management of natural resources with a focus on water management and agriculture. Report to the STOA Committee of the European Parliament. Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), London/Brussels in collaboration with BIO Intelligence Service and Ecologic Institute.

Poláková, J.; Tucker, G.; Hart, K.; Dwyer, J.; Rayment, M. (2011) Addressing biodiversity and habitat preservation through measures applied under the Common Agricultural Policy. Report prepared for DG Agriculture. Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), London/Brussels.