doc. Eliana Pintus, Ph.D.


2011 – 2012 Master in Ethology
 University of Cordoba (Spain).
 Title of Master Thesis:
"Reproductive effort in male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus, L. 1758) as a function of individual features and social environment".

2008 – 2012 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Doctor Europaeus
 University of Sassari (Italy).
 PhD in "Reproduction, Production and Animal Welfare" (XXIV cycle).
 Title of PhD Thesis:
"Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) as a useful technique to evaluate
 seasonal variations of spermatogenesis in Cervids: relationships with histology and sperm quality".
2003 – 2008 Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
 University of Sassari (Italy).
 Title of Graduation Thesis:
"Parental investment in Sardinian red deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus
 Erxleben, 1777) in the repopulation enclosure of Monte Lerno-Pattada (SS)"
. (In Italian).

Supervised courses

AVA42E Biological Principles of Livestock Breeding
AVA43E Animal Physiology
AVX01E Management of Reproduction in Livestock