doc. Eliana Pintus, Ph.D.




Pintus E., Chinn A.F., Kadlec M., García-Vázquez F.A., Novy P., Matson J.B., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2023) N-thiocarboxyanhydrides, amino acid-derived enzyme-activated H2S donors, enhance sperm mitochondrial activity in presence and absence of oxidative stress. BMC Veterinary Research 19: 52. 

Garrido-Bautista J., Hernández-Ruiz C., Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Bernardo N., Comas M., Moreno-Rueda G. (2023) Habitat-dependent breeding biology of the Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) across a continuous and heterogeneous Mediterranean Woodland. Avian research 14: 100109.

Garrido-Bautista J., Soria A., Trenzado C.E., Pérez-Jiménez A., Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Bernardo N., Comas M., Kolenčík S. Moreno-Rueda G. (2022) Within-brood body size and immunological differences in blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) nestlings relative to ectoparasitism. Avian research 13: 100038.

Garrido-Bautista J., Martínez-de la Puente J., Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Lopezosa P., Bernardo N., Comas M., Moreno-Rueda G. (2022) Habitat-dependent Culicoides species composition and abundance in blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) nests. Parasitology 49: 1119-1128. 

Kadlec M., Pintus E., Ros-Santaella JL. (2022) The Interaction of NO and H2S in Boar Spermatozoa under Oxidative Stress. Animals 12: 602. 

Muñoz-Baquero M., Marco-Jiménez F., García-Domínguez X., Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Jiménez-Movilla M., García-Párraga D., García-Vazquez F.A.  (2021) Comparative Study of Semen Parameters and Hormone Profile in Small-Spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula): Aquarium-Housed vs. Wild-Captured. Animals 11: 2884.

Pintus E. and Ros-Santaella J.L. (2021) Impact of oxidative stress on male reproduction in domestic and wild animals. Antioxidants 10: 1154.

Fuentes-Albero M.C., González-Brusi L., Cots P., Luongo C., Abril-Sánchez S., Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Ruiz-Díaz S., Barros-García C., Sánchez-Calabuig M.J., García-Párraga D., Avilés M., Izquierdo-Rico M.J. and García-Vázquez F.A. (2021) Protein Identification of Spermatozoa and Seminal Plasma in Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9: 673961.

Garrido-Bautista J., Soria A., Trenzado C.E., Pérez-Jiménez A., Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Bernardo N., Comas M., Moreno-Rueda G. (2021) Oxidative status of blue tit nestlings varies with habitat and nestling size. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 258: 110986.

Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E. (2021) Plant extracts as alternative additives for sperm preservation. Antioxidants 10: 772.

Fuentes-Albero M.C., Abril Sánchez S., Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Luongo C., Ruiz Diaz S., Barros Garcia C., Sanchez Calabuig M.J., Garcia Parraga D., Garcia Vazquez F. A. (2021) Characterization of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) sperm based on morphometric traits in two males. Biology 10: 355.

Pintus E., Kadlec M., Karlasová B., Popelka M., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2021) Spermatogenic activity and sperm traits in post-pubertal and adult tomcats (Felis catus): implication of intra-male variation in sperm size. Cells 10: 624.

Uccheddu S., Pintus E., Garde J.J., Fleba L., Muzzeddu M., Pudda F., Bogliolo L., Strina A., Nieddu S., Ledda S. (2020) Post-mortem recovery, in vitro maturation and fertilization of fallow deer (Dama dama, Linnaeus 1758) oocytes collected during reproductive and no reproductive season. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 0: 1-9.

Pintus E., Jovičić M., Kadlec M., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2020) Divergent effect of fast- and slow-releasing H2S donors on boar spermatozoa under oxidative stress. Scientific Reports 10: 6508.

Kadlec M., Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E. (2020) The roles of NO and H2S in sperm biology: Recent advances and new perspectives. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21: 2174.

Ros-Santaella JL, Kadlec M, Pintus E. (2020) Pharmacological activity of honeybush (Cyclopia intermedia) in boar spermatozoa during semen storage and under oxidative stress. Animals 10: 463.

Ruiz-Diaz S., Luongo C., Fuentes-Albero M.C., Abril-Sanchez S., Sanchez-Calabuig M.J., Barros-Garcia C., De la Fe C., Garcia-Galan A.,Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Garcia-Parraga D., Garcia-Vazquez F.A. (2020) Effect of temperature and cell concentration on dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) spermatozoa quality evaluated at different days of refrigeration. Animal Reproduction Science 212: 106248.

Ros-Santaella J.L., Kotrba R., Pintus E. (2019). High-energy diet enhances spermatogenic function and increases sperm midpiece length in fallow deer (Dama dama) yearlings. Royal Society Open Science 6: 181972.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2018). Assessment of reproductive traits in male gemsbok (Oryx gazella). Spixiana 41: 205-209.

Pintus E., Kadlec M., Jovicic M., Sedmikova M., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2018) Aminoguanidine protects boar spermatozoa against the deleterious effects of oxidative stress. Pharmaceutics 10: 212.

Jovicic M., Pintus E., Fenclova T., Simonik O., Chmelikova E., Ros-Santaella J.L.,Sedmikova M. (2018). Effect of nitric oxide on boar sperm motility, membrane integrity, and acrosomal status during semen storage. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 21: 73-82.

Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E. (2017). Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) extract enhances boar sperm velocity up to 96 hours of semen storage. PLoS One 12(8): e0183682.

Grieblova A., Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2017). Integrity of head and tail plasmalemma is associated with different kinetic variables in boar sperm. Animal Reproduction Science 184: 218-227.

Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Garde J.J. (2015). Intramale variation in sperm size: functional significance in a polygynous mammal. PeerJ 3: e1478.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Garde J.J. (2015). Beyond Testis Size: Links between Spermatogenesis and Sperm Traits in a Seasonal Breeding Mammal. PLoS One 10(10): e0139240.

Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Senhadji K. (2015). Cannibalistic behaviour of the vulnerable and endemic Baetica ustulata (Rambur, 1838) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Ephippigerinae): first report. Annales de la Société entomologique de France 51: 89-92.

Pintus E., Uccheddu S., Røed K.H., Pérez Gonzaléz J., Carranza J., Nieminen M., Holand Ø. (2015). Flexible mating tactics and associated reproductive effort during the rutting season in male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus, L. 1758). Current Zoology 61: 802-810.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Garde J.J. (2015) Variation of spermatogenic and Sertoli cell number detected by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in Iberian red deer during and out of the breeding season. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 27: 812-822.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Garde J.J. (2014). Diagnostic Value of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Testicular Disorders of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus): A Case Report. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50: 994-997.



Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2014). Assisted Reproductive Technologies in deer (Artiodactyla, Cervidae): a review. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica 45:136-146.

Eichelmann M.A., Fischer D., Heilmann M., Bernstorf Hydeskov H., Kunze M., Landaverde L., Leinweber I., Wendelboe Nielsen A.M., Pintus E., Reiners J., Risch T., Schroeder K., Schumann H., Soloperto S., Stotter M., Thielking M., Uccheddu S., Volkert H., Wehrmeister E., Clauss M., Schmid-Brunclik N., Wesche P., Jurgen Streich W., Gasmann S., Hatt J.M. (2012). Serum iron metabolites in an opportunistic sample of different captive primate species. International Zoo Yearbook 46: 195–200.

Educational papers

Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Chmelíková E., Sedmíková M. (2021) Vliv abnormalit spermií na reprodukčni potenciál kanců. Naš chov 3, 30-31.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Chmelíková E., Sedmíková M. (2021) Dopad globálního oteplování na reprodukci hospodářských zvířat. Naš chov 1, 14-15.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2019) L'incredibile biodiversità degli spermatozoi. Sapere 49: 30-35.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L. Kadlec M. (2019) Neuvěřitelná rozmanitost spermií  v živočišné říši. Živá Příroda 6: 42-45.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2018) Radicali liberi, antiossidanti e fertilità maschile. Micron.  Available at: www.rivistamicron.it

Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E. (2017) Uso del extracto de rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) para la conservacion del semen porcino. Suis 143: 14-18.



Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2021). Laboratory Protocols in Animal Physiology. Part II: Clinical Biochemistry. Published by Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. 65 pp. ISBN: 978-80-213-3090-0.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2020). Laboratory Protocols in Animal Physiology. Part I: Blood Analysis in Mammals. Published by Czech University of Life Sciences. 66 pp. ISBN: 978-80-213-3023-8.

Moreno-Rueda G., Casas F., Collantes-Martin E., Comas M., Megia-Palma R., Ochoa D., Pintus E., Pizarro M., Reguera S., Rivas J.M., Ros-Santaella J.L., Zamora-Camacho F.J. (Editors). (2016). International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology (Book of Abstracts). Published by Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology and University of Granada. 157 pp. ISBN: 978-84-617-4865-5.


Conference Proceedings

Oral communications

Pintus E.,  Scaringi M., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2023) Assessment of redox potential in the porcine ejaculate: Relationships with seminal parameters and effect of storage. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 58: 184.

Pintus E., Uccheddu S., Rosati I., Zedda M.T., Gallus M. (2010). Utilizzo del sistema CASA (COMPUTER-ASSISTED SPERM ANALYSIS) nella valutazione del seme ovino refrigerato a 15°C e dopo esposizione ad alte pressioni idrostatiche. In Italian. In: VIII National Conference S.I.R.A. Bologna (Italy), 17 -18 Jun 2010, pp. 35-37.

Strina A., Nieddu S., Ariu F., Bogliolo L., Pintus E., Ledda S. (2010). Sviluppo di embrioni partenogenetici di ovino da trasferimento di blastocisti prodotte in vitro. In Italian. In: VIII National Conference S.I.R.A. Bologna (Italy), 17 -18 Jun 2010, pp. 141-143.



Garrido Bautista J., Soria A., Trenzado C.E., Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Bernardo N., Peréz-Jiménez A., Comas M., Moreno-Rueda G. (2020) Is hatching asynchrony an effective defence mechanism to ectoparasitism in altricial birds?: A test of the Tasty Chick Hypothesis in blue tits. SESBE VII: Congress of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology, Seville (Spain), 5-7 Feb 2020. p. 83.

Pintus E., Kotrba R., Ros-Santaella J.L. (2016) El tamaño de los cuernos como indicador del desarrollo sexual en el eland común (Taurotragus oryx). (in Spanish). Eco-Etología 2016 Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Etología y Ecología Evolutiva, Granada (Spain), 20-23 Sep 2016. p. 129.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Garde J.J. (2015) Features of spermatogenesis in deer with testicular and epididymal disorders. International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals, Barcelona, 13-16 May 2015.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Kotrba R. (2014). Spermatogenesis in pubertal common eland (Taurotragus oryx, Pallas 1766). World Congress of Reproductive Biology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2-4 Sep 2014. Reproduction Abstracts, doi: 10.1530/repabs.1.P216.

Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Garde J.J. (2014). High testicular size is related with low intramale variation of sperm design in red deer. World Congress of Reproductive Biology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2-4 Sep 2014. Reproduction Abstracts, doi: 10.1530/repabs.1.P358.

Ros-Santaella J.L., Pintus E., Kotrba R. (2014). Sperm morphometry in the common eland (Taurotragus oryx): preliminary results. Zoologické dny, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 6-7 Jan 2014.

Nevoral J., Kucerova-Chrpova V., Petr J., Sedmikova M., Krejcova T., Dvorakova D., Weingartova I., Pintus E., Jilek F. (2013). Hydrogen sulfide accelerates meiosis progression by increasing MPF and MAPK activity. Annual Meeting ASCB, New Orleans (USA), 14-18 Dec 2013. n 985.

Pintus E., Ros-Santaella J.L., Bisbal A., Del Olmo E., Dominguez-Rebolledo A., Fernandez-Santos M.R., Soler A.J., Garde J., Ledda S. (2011). Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) as a useful tool to investigate spermatogenesis in Iberian red deer. In: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Behaviour, Phisiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin (Germany), 14 -17 Sep 2011. p. 138.

Pintus E., Uccheddu S., Nieddu S.M., Fleba L., Muzzeddu M., Pudda F., Garde J., Ledda S. (2011). Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) as a technique to evaluate spermatogenesis and reproductive monitoring of Sardinian red deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus, Erxleben, 1777) and fallow deer (Dama dama, Linnaeus 1758): preliminary results. In Italian, abstract in English. In: IX National Conference S.I.R.A. Valenzano (BA) (Italy), 23 -24 Jun 2011, pp. 136-139.

Uccheddu S., Pintus E., Nieddu S., Ariu F., Rosati I., Fleba L., Ledda S. (2011). Preliminary maturation and fertilization data for fallow deer (Dama dama, Linnaeus, 1758). In Italian, abstract in English. In: IX National Conference S.I.R.A. Valenzano (BA) (Italy), 23 -24 Jun 2011, pp. 113-116.

Bebbere D., Pirino S., Bogliolo L., Ariu F., Pintus E., Nieddu S., Pau S., Ledda S. (2009). Expression of pluripotency markers in genital ridges of ovine foetuses. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society, Córdoba (Argentina), 9 – 12 Jan 2010. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 22(1) 221–221 doi:10.1071/RDv22n1Ab124. ISSN: 1031-3613.

Bebbere D., Ariu F., Pintus E., Strina A., Succu S., Ledda S. (2009). In vitro or in vivo post-fertilization embryo culture affects the gene expression patterns of ovine embryos. In: Proceedings of the 2nd General Meeting of GEMINI. Alghero (Italy), 1 – 3 Oct 2009. n. 5.

Ariu F., Bogliolo L., Strina A., Marrosu R., Rosati I., Pintus E., Ledda S. (2009). High hydrostatic pressure treatment improves the quality of in vitro produced ovine blastocysts. In: VII National Conference S.I.R.A. Messina (Italy), 2 -3 Jul 2009, vol. VII, p. 195.

Uccheddu S., Pintus E., Rosati I., Bogliolo L., Pau S., Zedda M. (2009). Su due casi di mole fetale (acardius acephalus) nell’ovino. In Italian. In: VII National Conference S.I.R.A. Messina (Italy), 2 -3 Jul 2009, vol. VII, pp. 22-24.