doc. Eliana Pintus, Ph.D.


Project title: Alternative Additives of Boar Semen Extenders for Substitution of the Antibiotics. Reference code: NAZV QK21010327. Duration: 2021-2024. Founder: Národní Agentura pro Zemědělský Výzkum (Czech Republic). Main researcher: José Luis Ros-Santaella, Ph.D. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic); Role: Team member.

Project title: The impact of parasites on the evolution of parent-offspring communication. Reference code: CGL2017-84938-P. Duration: 2017-2019. Founder: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain). Main researcher: Prof. Gregorio Moreno-Rueda (University of Granada, Spain); Role: Team member.

Project title: Honest signalling across sexes: links between hierarchical position, sperm quality and horn development in common elands. Reference code: Ciga Grant No. 20145001. Duration: 2014-2016. Founder: Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic). Main researcher: José Luis Ros-Santaella, Ph.D. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic). Role: Team member.