Ing. Jan Komárek, Ph.D.
Think about your data!


How to deal with your thesis, or what I insist on as your supervisor - please, read the recommendations in Czech or English in advance!

Leaf Area Index calculation tool

01.10.2021 | 820x

The student will describe in detail the methods of calculating Leaf Area Index (LAI) and evaluate the real usability of the index for environmental research. The student will create their own tool…

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Soil moisture indices for mapping stressed vegetation

01.10.2021 | 606x

Using optical data from the Copernicus programme (Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3), the student derives the relative soil moisture of the selected area and determines the relative humidity of healthy and…

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Terrain reconstruction using Planet satellite images

01.10.2021 | 573x

The aim of this work is to verify the possibility of using satellite data to create a digital elevation model using stereophotogrammetry (SfM-MVS) methods. The author uses stereo-pairs of Planet…

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