Scopus Author ID: 24779635300
Další Výsledky
Pekár S., Šmerda J., Hrušková M., Šedo O., Muster C., Cardoso P., Zdráhal Z., Korenko S., Bureš P., Líznarová E. & Sentenská L. 2012. Prey-race drives differentiation of biotypes in ant-eating spiders. J Anim Ecol 81(4): 838-848.
Korenko S. & Pekár S. 2010. Intraguild predation between winter-active spiders (Araneae) on apple tree bark. Biol Control, doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol. 54 (3): 206-212.
Korenko S., Pekár S. & Honek A. 2010. Predation activity of two winter-active spiders (Araneae: Anyphaenidae, Philodromidae). J Therm Biol 35: 112-116.
Korenko S., Pekár S. & Šmerda J. 2009. Life-history of the parthenogenetic oonopid spider, Triaeris stenaspis (Araneae: Oonopidae). Eur J Entomol 106(2): 217-223.
Korenko S., Kula E., Holec M., Jarab M. & Michalková V. 2008. Influence of air liming on spider (Araneae) population of the Krusne hory Mts. Eur J Soil Biol 44: 559-566.