doc. Ing. Pavel Klouček, Ph.D.
Osobní stránky Pavla Kloučka


Doc. Ing. Pavel Klouček, Ph.D

born: 20.10.1979, Prague


GOOGLE Scholar


Education: 2002 Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS), Institute of Tropics and Subtropics (ITS), MSc.; 2007: CULS, ITS, Ph.D.

Employment: 2005-2012: Junior scientist, CULS Prague, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources (FAFNR), Department of Crop Production; 2012-2014 - Associate Professor, CULS Prague, FAFNR, Department of Crop Production; Since 2014 - Head of the Department of Quality of Agricultural Products, CULS Prague, FAFNR;

Professional associations: since 2011 member of Editorial Board: Horticultural Science; since 2007 member of Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Products Research (GA); Since 2009 member of Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE)

Research and teaching activities: Separation and analytical techniques, medicinal plants; plant secondary metabolites, food safety, food legislation, agricultural and fresh products storage, organic agriculture, chemistry and bioactivity; Teaching – Medicinal, Aromatic Plants and Spices, Food Certification, Use of Medicinal, Aromatic Plants and Spices in Human Nutrition

Selected projects: H2020-INFRADEV — PRO-METROFOOD (739568) - Progressing towards the construction of METROFOOD-RI”; NAZV QJ1310226 - Development of the new plant protection methods of cereals and vegetables against to major pathogens and pests by using botanical pesticides for use in organic and integrated agriculture; CSF 525/09/P50 - Possible uses of essential oils in vapor phase for protection of agricultural products and fresh foods against undesirable microorganisms; NAZV QJ72144 - Healthy beebreeding and production using natural antimicrobial and probiotic substances.

Selected publications

Hernández, H., Fraňková, A., Sýkora, T., Klouček, P., Kouřimská, L., Kučerová, I., Banout, J. (2017) The effect of oregano essential oil on microbial load and sensory attributes of dried meat. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 97 (1). 82–87. IF = 2,076

Božik, M., Císarová, M., Tančinová, D., Kouřimská, L., Hleba, L., Klouček, P. 2017. Selected essential oil vapours inhibit growth of Aspergillus spp. in oats with improved consumer acceptability. Industrial Crops and Products. 98 . 146–152. IF = 3,449

Janatova A, Bernardos A, Smid J, Frankova A, Lhotka M, Kourimská L, Pulkrabek J, Kloucek, P. (2015). Long-term antifungal activity of volatile essential oil components released from mesoporous silica materials. Industrial Crops and Products; 67, 216–220. IF = 2,837

Kloucek P, Smid J, Frankova A, Kokoska L, Valterova I, Pavela R. (2012) Fast screening method for assessment of antimicrobial activity of essential oils in vapor phase. Food Research International. 47:161-165. IF = 2,818

Flesar J, Havlik J, Kloucek P, Rada V, Titera D, Bednar M, Stropnicky M, Kokoska L. (2010) In vitro growth-inhibitory effect of plant-derived extracts and compounds against Paenibacillus larvae and their acute oral toxicity to adult honey bees. Veterinary Microbiology. 145:129-133. IF = 2,511

Havlik J, Budesinsky M, Kloucek P, Kokoska L, Valterova I, Vasickova S, Zeleny V. (2009) Norsesquiterpene hydrocarbon, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Rhaponticum carthamoides root essential oil. Phytochemistry. 70:414–418. IF = 2,547

Nedorostova L, Kloucek P, Kokoska L, Stolcova M, Pulkrabek J. (2009) Antimicrobial properties of selected essential oils in vapour phase against foodborne bacteria. Food Control, 20:157-160. IF = 2,806

Šmejkal K, Chudík S, Kloucek P, Marek R, Cvačka J, Urbanová M, Julínek O, Kokoška L, Šlapetová T, Holubová P, Zima A, Dvorská M. (2008) Antibacterial C-Geranylflavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa Fruits. Journal of Natural Products, 71:706-709. IF = 3,798

Kloucek P., Polesny Z., Svobodova B., Vlkova E., Kokoska L. (2005) Antibacterial screening of some Peruvian medicinal plants used in Callería District. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 99:309-312. IF = 2,998