Faculties and other parts
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Fakulty a institut
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences
Institute of Education and Communication
Other parts & departments
Study and Information Centre
Department of Physical Education (KTV)
Division of information and communication technologies
Accommodation & Meals
CULS Farm Estate at Lány
CULS Forest Establishment at Kostelec nad Černými lesy
Mělník-Chloumek Vinicultural Centre
Fakulty a informace
Fakulty >
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences
Institute of Education and Communication
Ostatní součásti >
Study and Information Centre
Department of Physical Education (KTV)
Division of information and communication technologies
Accommodation & Meals
CULS Farm Estate at Lány
CULS Forest Establishment at Kostelec nad Černými lesy
Mělník-Chloumek Vinicultural Centre
Economics of Brewing Industry
Econometric Modelling
Requirement for BT and DT
Požadavky k BP a DP
Hospodářská politika a integrace
Hospodářská politika
Ekonomika pivovarského průmyslu
Hospodářská politika kombinované studium
Economic Policy
Sustainable Growth and Economic Policies
PhDr. Ing. Tomáš Maier, Ph.D.
Economics of Brewing Industry
Econometric Modelling
Requirement for BT and DT
Požadavky k BP a DP
Hospodářská politika a integrace
Hospodářská politika
Ekonomika pivovarského průmyslu
Hospodářská politika kombinované studium
Economic Policy
Sustainable Growth and Economic Policies
Economics of Brewing Industry
beer price calculation (31kB)
beer price calculation - template (37kB)
Beer consumption CZ (1948 - 2015) (12kB)
Beer slaes for 2015 and 2016 (35kB)
Price transmission - example (61kB)
Malt - example (23kB)
Calculating market shares of microbreweries - data table (36kB)
Monthly foreign trade (xls) (36kB)
Ernst a Young - The Contribution made by Beer to the European Economy (4388kB)
WTO - Alcohol in all states (4438kB)
Map: Beer Excise Tax Rates by State, 2014 (591kB)
Ernst a Young - The Contribution made by Beer to the European Economy (13097kB)
Excise duty tables in EU (1113kB)
European beer pledge (7764kB)
The Contribution made by Beer to the European Economy (4084kB)
Czech Hops 2014 (6837kB)
Study of the Economic Impact of the Brewery Industry in the Commonwealth (460kB)
1st block (11937kB)
2nd block (1952kB)
3rd block (8741kB)
5th block (3337kB)
Yield of malt - template for calculation (36kB)
4th block (2440kB)
6th block (5930kB)
7th block (3622kB)
Beer styles (12kB)
Averadge temperature 2017-2018 (8kB)
Production 2017 (58kB)
production 2018 (58kB)
Beer Falvours (151kB)
Monthly temperature 2021 (9kB)
Czech Brewing Industry (2584kB)
room JIH368 (1523kB)
Conditions for subject (20kB)