prof. Ing. Pavel Tlustoš, CSc., dr. h. c.
děkan, zástupce vedoucího katedry


     Garantuje předměty bakalářského a magisterského studia na FAPPZ a PEF vyučované v českém a anglickém jazyce, je garantem bakalářského oboru Udržitelné využívání přírodních zdrojů, v angličtině vyučovaného oboru Sustainable Use of Natural Resources a magisterského oboru Odpady a jejich využití. Studenti pod jeho vedením úspěšně obhájili více než 50 bakalářských, 120 diplomových a 15 doktorských (z toho 3 zahraniční) prací.

Garantované předměty

730306 Foresights - what future to expect? (Late lessons from early warnings)
731324 Resource and environmental economics
731325 Principles of commodity markets and trade policy
731328 Valuation methods for natural resources
731330 Growth, development, trade and environment
731335 Game theory in environmental and natural resource management
731347 Rural development
731348 Managerial economics
731351 Applied mathematical programming in natural resource management
731369 Computer simulation in energy and resource economics
731383 Principles of empirical research methods in the social sciences
731395 Introduction to development cooperation
732326 Institutions and policies of the EU (Introduction to the law and politics of the European Union)
732337 Innovations for sustainable forest management
735318 Decision support systems
735322 Global networking
735336 Intercultural Communication
736322 Governance of emerging technologies
772300 Biophysical chemistry
772306 Proteomics
772311 Kinetics of biochemical reactions
773310 Bioorganic chemistry
811308 Appropriate technologies for water supply & sanitation in developing countries
811332 Water resources management in developing cooperation
811334 Risk assessment in the aquatic environment
811354 Case studies in sanitary engineering
811357 Biology, chemistry and microbiology for civil engineering
811358 Planning and design in water supply and wastewater treatment
811362 On site solutions for water supply and sanitation
812318 Environmental history of river systems
812327 Interdisciplinary concepts in understanding river-society interactions
812340 Limnology
812341 Limnochemistry and nutrient cycling
812342 Ecology of aquatic systems
812343 Taxonomy and ecology of benthic invertebrates
812344 Ecology of fishes
812345 Physical environment of riverine landscape
812347 Human impacts in riverine landscapes
812348 Water legislation
812349 Ecological river landscape management
812350 Applications in river landscape management
812353 River habitat and landscape assessment
812354 Ecohydromorphological mapping
812355 Fish sampling and monitoring
812356 Fish ecological status assessment
812357 Benthic invertebrate sampling and monitoring
812358 Benthic invertebrate status assessment
812360 Ecology, restoration and conservation of aquatic and riparian vegetation
812377 Fisheries management and conservation
812384 Aquatic biomonitoring and -assessment
812387 Environmental impacts on riverine ecosystems I
812388 Environmental impacts on riverine ecosystems II
812389 Population genetics and evolutionary theory relevant for the management and protection of aquatic organisms
813300 Global waste management I
813301 Global waste management II
813303 Planning and assessment of waste management systems
813304 Life cycle management
814301 Meteorological conditions and precipitation
814308 Interdisciplinary seminar on agriculture, climate change and transition
815311 Simulation in vadose zone environment
815319 Irrigation design
815320 Soil water management
815321 Soil conservation and soil protection
815328 Isotope and tracer hydrology
815335 Using water erosion models
815340 Lecture series in soil, water and atmosphere
816325 Flood forecasting and flood protection
816334 Hydrological processes and modelling
816338 Water resources planning and management
816342 Possible impacts of climate change on water resources
816355 Uncertainties in hydrological and ecosystem modelling
816356 Advanced topics on hydrology
816361 Cooperation development
818306 Radioactive waste management – its perception and acceptance I
818307 Radioactive waste management – its perception and acceptance II
818308 Technology assessment and risk management considering wind power plants
819301 Hydraulic engineering and river basin management
819332 Computer based river modelling
819336 Integrated flood risk management
819339 Sediment regime and river morphology
819340 Ecologically oriented methods and monitoring in river engineering
831304 Ecology and population biology of plants in agro-ecosystems
831339 Introduction to tropical ecology
833301 Soil ecology
833315 Farmland ecology
834305 Conservation biogeography and genetics
834321 Biocultural diversity in rural landscapes
851311 Environmental statistics
851320 Statistics of extreme events and geostatistics
852319 Science and technology studies: Understanding sustainable innovation
854331 Global aspects in landscape planning
857304 Remote sensing and image processing
857316 International land management
857320 Remote sensing and GIS in natural resource management
857321 Remote sensing and GIS in natural resource management
871314 Protection and mitigation measures against natural hazards
871324 Mountain hazard processes
871360 Risk management and vulnerability assessment
872330 Hydrogeology
873320 Geotechnics
874300 Soil and water bioengineering - principles and applications
893311 Renewable energy resources
911300 Soil physics and chemistry
911301 Soil protection
911304 Soil indicators
911307 Interdisciplinary project work: soil sciences
911309 Soil chemistry laboratory
911312 Rhizosphere processes and application to agriculture and soil protection
911317 Soil properties and processes for ecological engineering
911321 Field course soil ecology
911324 Soil management in tropical and subtropical developing regions
911327 Soils and global change
911336 Soil pollution and remediation
911341 Biogeochemistry of soils
911342 Soils and food security
911343 In-situ treatment of polluted soils and sediments: phytoremediation, in-situ fixation and attenuation techniques
911344 Ecology and management of the rhizosphere in ecological engineering
911346 Description, functions of soil structure and its changes in agricultural land use
911347 Soil problems in aridic and semiaridic regions
911350 Soils of the world: genesis and classification
911353 Introduction in natural resources management and ecological engineering
911354 Stable isotopes (C, N, S, O, H) in soil and environmental sciences
912313 Forests and water
912317 Air pollution effects on forest ecosystems
912328 Agroforestry in mountain regions
912330 Mountain forest dynamics and fire ecology
912332 Field camp II - concepts and methods of site ecology, forest growth and yield
912337 Biodiversity and conservation of mountain forests
913311 Multiple criteria decision making in natural resource management
913324 Adapting forest management to climate change
913327 Fire management in mountain forest ecosystems - prophylaxis and control
913338 Natural resource management in mountain forests
915327 Project management
915344 Technology assessment
916323 Field Camp I - introduction to mountain forestry and forest sciences
916326 Management and forest protection in high altitude afforestations and protective forests
933302 Protection of natural resources by organic farming
933308 Soil fertility and soil ecology in organic agriculture
934302 Applied development research I
934303 Applied development research II 3
934305 Facilitating change for sustainable development
934306 Negotiating Change: simulating an international conference for sustainable development
934307 Development innovation
934317 Participatory methods in development research and practice
951332 Crop production in the tropics and subtropics
970306 Methods in environmental biotechnology
AHA09E Agrochemie - Bc.
AHA10E Výživa a hnojení zahradních plodin
AHA29E Agricultural systems I - Bc., Mgr.
AHA43E Remediace a sanace
AHA46E Výživa a ochrana rostlin
AHA71E Agrochemie - Bc.
AHA76E Výživa a hnojení zahradních plodin
AHA7EE Remediace a sanace
AHA85E Kontaminace prostředí a remediace - Mgr.
AHAX3E Nauka o přírodě a rostlinách VI.
AUP1 Uznaný předmět 1
AUP10 Uznaný předmět 10
AUP11 Uznaný předmět 11
AUP12 Uznaný předmět 12
AUP13 Uznaný předmět 13
AUP14 Uznaný předmět 14
AUP15 Uznaný předmět 15
AUP16 Uznaný předmět 16
AUP17 Uznaný předmět 17
AUP18 Uznaný předmět 18
AUP19 Uznaný předmět 19
AUP2 Uznaný předmět 2
AUP20 Uznaný předmět 20
AUP21 Uznaný předmět 21
AUP22 Uznaný předmět 22
AUP23 Uznaný předmět 23
AUP24 Uznaný předmět 24
AUP25 Uznaný předmět 25
AUP3 Uznaný předmět 3
AUP4 Uznaný předmět 4
AUP5 Uznaný předmět 5
AUP6 Uznaný předmět 6
AUP7 Uznaný předmět 7
AUP8 Uznaný předmět 8
AUP9 Uznaný předmět 9
DAHX04Y Odborný seminář Zemědělská chemie I
DAHX05Y Odborný seminář Zemědělská chemie II
DAWA31Y Odborný seminář Zemědělská specializace I.
DAWA32Y Odborný seminář Zemědělská specializace II.

Garantované studijní obory

4102R006 Rostlinná produkce
4106R014 Udržitelné využívání přírodních zdrojů
4106T015 Udržitelný rozvoj biosféry

Garantované studijní programy

B4102 Fytotechnika
B4147 Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
N4151 Péče o biosféru